On December 12, 2024, the opening ceremony of specialized classrooms took place: the "Classroom of information Technology and booking in the field of service" and the "Classroom of Yoga, physical therapy and first aid" of the Department of Tourism and Service. The opening ceremony was held by the rector, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Baibolova L.K., as well as the president of the Association of Tour Operators, director of the Sayat travel company, PhD, Associate Professor Ray I.Yu., manager of training and quality of the RITZ-CARLTON hotel and restaurant business Alimgazhinov Didar.
The main task of specialized classrooms is to obtain high–quality knowledge using technical training tools and licensed software products. During the presentation of the "Yoga Room, therapeutic physical culture and first aid", PhD, Professor, international certified yoga coach Arman Batyrov Batyrovich together with the students demonstrated a yoga master class.
In the "Classroom of information Technology and booking in the field of service", 2nd year students demonstrated the capabilities of the SHELTER, R-KEEPER, STORE HOUSE programs. These programs are very popular in the field of hotel and restaurant business.
The opening of these classrooms will strengthen the knowledge and practical skills of students, will allow them to be competitive in the labor market.