Quality Assurance and Accreditation Department

1. Division name: Quality Assurance and Accreditation Department (OOKiA)

2. Information about the head of the department:


Nurbayeva Maysa Zeynullinovna



Academic title

Associate Professor

Academic degree

Candidate of Sociological Sciences 

Phone numbers:

ext. 135



3. Field of activity:


- conducting institutional and specialized accreditation;

- organizational and methodological support of university accreditation procedures;

- coordination of work on the collection and processing of information necessary for participation in national and international rankings;

- conducting a rating system for evaluating the activities of teaching staff, departments and faculty;

- coordination of work to maintain, continuously improve and improve the effectiveness of the university's quality management system in accordance with the requirements of the ST RK ISO 9001:2016.


- passing an external inspection audit on the QMS; 

- passage of institutional and specialized accreditation;

- improvement of the system of regular internal audits (inspections) of the quality system;

- maintaining a system for monitoring and measuring the main and auxiliary QMS processes;

- improving the customer satisfaction monitoring system;

- participation of the university in academic rankings;

- updating of university documents.

Direction of work:

- methodological and organizational support of the processes of institutional accreditation and accreditation of educational programs in accreditation agencies;

- conducting internal audits of the activities of structural divisions within the competence of the department;

- carrying out standard control of documentation of the quality management system, and projects for compliance with the requirements and provisions of existing regulatory documents.


Development, implementation, improvement and maintenance of the integrity of the University's quality management system in accordance with international standards:

- formation of the principles of the university's activity in the field of quality management system in accordance with international standards ISO 9001 series and others;

- information – methodological support documentation management of the university's quality management system at all stages of its life cycle (development; examination; coordination, approval, registration, replication, accounting, distribution, storage of documents; placement of documents on the educational portal of the university; verification; making proposals for revision, modification or cancellation of documents);

- informational and consulting support for the activities of structural units on the functioning of the quality management system;

- collecting and providing reliable data on the effectiveness of the university's quality management system processes necessary for self-assessment and analysis by the university management;

- carrying out corrective and preventive actions necessary to eliminate (prevent) inconsistencies in the organization of university processes and the quality of educational services provided;

- implementation of organizational, methodological and informational support for the preparation and conduct of procedures for national institutional and/or international specialized accreditation of educational programs;

- coordination of work on national institutional and international specialized accreditation of educational programs;

- study, systematization and control of the execution of regulatory documents of bodies exercising control in education on accreditation issues;

- support of the process of self-assessment of individual educational programs and the university as a whole;

- intra-university monitoring of the implementation of accreditation indicators for higher education institutions and for individual educational programs.

Department structure:

In the staff of the OOKiA: the head of the department and the specialist in charge of the work of accreditation and the quality system of education.

- Head of Department;

- Specialist of the department.

4. List of regulatory documents (NPA):

Name of documents

Information about the approval 

(, date)

Amendments and additions to the regulatory document (№, date)

The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education"

№319–III of December 27, 2007

with changes and additions as of 01.01.2024.

Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan

№414-V of November 23, 2015

with changes and additions as of 01.01.2024.

The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Science"

№407-V of February 18, 2011

with changes and additions as of 07.01.2023.

On combating corruption

№410-V of July 03, 2015

with changes and additions as of 23.12.2023.

The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan"

№151 of July 11, 1997

with changes and additions as of 19.04.2023.

The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Amendments and Additions to Some legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the expansion of academic and managerial independence of higher educational institutions"

№171-VI of July 4, 2018

On approval of qualification requirements for educational activities of organizations providing higher and (or) postgraduate education, and a list of documents confirming compliance with them.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan №391

dated June 17, 2015

with changes and additions as of 29.01.2023.

On Approval of the Model Rules for the Activities of Organisations of Higher and Postgraduate Education.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan №595

dated October 31 , 2018

with changes and additions as of 12.10.2023.

On approval of the Model Regulations for admission to studies in educational organizations, implementing educational programs of higher educationOn approval of the Model Regulations for admission to studies in educational organization, implementing educational programs of technical and vocational education.

№600 of October 31, 2018

with changes and additions as of 27.10.2023.

On approval of the Rules for the organization of the educational process on credit technology of education in organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan №152

dated April 20 , 2011

with changes and additions as of 25.07.2023. 

On the approval of Safety Regulations for the operation of electrical installations of consumers

№253 of May 31 , 2015

with changes and additions as of 07.07.2021.

International standard ISO 9000:2015 "Quality management system. Basic provisions and vocabulary;

№1390-st dated September 28, 2015

ST RK ISO 9001:2016 "Quality management System. Requirements

№ 285-od dated November 14, 2016

* according to the status, the NPA data may change;

Internal regulatory Document (IRD)

Name of the IIR

Regulation on monitoring the quality of education

Regulations on the rating system for evaluating the activities of teaching staff of the department and faculties

Regulations on the activities of internal quality assurance of Kazatk JSC and quality assurance commissions of faculties

Regulation on the procedure for developing an educational program development plan and monitoring its implementation