
"Natizhe" dairy factory

"Natizhe" in translation from Kazakh means "Result".Every employee of Natizhe, making milk, kefir, sour cream, butter, cottage cheese or yogurt, realizes that the end result of his activity is the consumer's trust. This can be achieved only by releasing delicious, healthy and safe products.

It also uses the equipment of Tetra Pak, a recognized world leader in the field of food processing and packaging. Natige has established contacts with expert specialists from Germany, Holland, Sweden, England, Turkey, Ukraine, who carry out the expertise of Natige products, participate in the training of the company's employees, generously share their experience and know-how in the field of modern high-tech production of natural dairy products.

Address: Karaganda, Oktyabrsky District, accounting quarter 089, construction 401, Natizhe dairy factory LLP, Director D. M. Akpar

8 (7212) 53-82-60, 53-82-63.,

""Center of Youth Tourism and local history" of the Akimat of the city of Nursultan

Implements programs of additional education of children in the tourist-local history, environmental direction. Organizes mass events with schoolchildren of the capital, recreational leisure for children, children's health camps. Develops children's and youth tourism, expands the network of school museums.

Address: Nursultan, Saryarka district, Tamshaly street 24. Director - Abenov Mels Kabdolovich

+7 (717) 241 75 90

+7 (701) 730 64 52

«CenterCredit Bank, Nursultan

The Bank has its own wide branch network in the republic, serves legal entities and individuals in more than 100 branches and branches. The bank's correspondent network includes about 40 foreign banks, which allows settlements with partners around the world.

Address: Nursultan, 7 Baraeva Street, Director – Seitkazinova D.D.,

contacts +7 (7172) 91‒61‒41


Sayat Company

Sayat Firm LLP is one of the leading travel agencies in our capital. The company "Sayat" has been a member of the Kazakhstan Tourism Association since 2002. Member of numerous commissions on tourism development, member of the Expert Council on Tourism Development in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Travel company "Sayat" has its own agency for the sale of air tickets. Since 2005, he has been a member of the International Air Transport Association (IATA).

Address: G. Nur-Sultan, 18 Gabdulina Street, "7 continent". Director: Ray E.Yu. ,

tel. 968-129, 568129.


Scientific and Production Association "Energy-saving technologies"

The main activity is the extraction of net income, as well as professional, scientific and technical activities, the performance of scientific and applied research, assessments, examinations, development and design work and the provision of various other services intended for the fields of science, education, energy, mining and processing industry, agroindustry, food industry, environmental protection. security of enterprises and individuals, as well as retraining of "personnel of enterprises and institutions, advertising and trade and procurement activities

`Address Kazakhstan. Nursultan, 010000 Akzhol str. 24/2

Phone numbers: +7 702 768 31 30