Rules for successful employment

Effective ways to find a job

Atlas of New professions -

If you are a student or graduate of KazUTB - for help in finding employment, you can contact the Career Center (Nur-Sultan, K.Mukhamedkhanova str., 37a, office 1/600).

In autumn and spring, the university hosts job fairs, Faculty Days. At the beginning, representatives of companies make presentations or conduct business games, and then you can personally communicate with them.

By taking part in company presentations and job fairs, you:

Telephone conversations with the employer

Example of a graduate presentation

  1. Full name, faculty, specialty, course
  2. Achievements (indicate if they may be of interest to the employer)
  3. Participation in Olympiads, contests, competitions (specify only those events or works that are related to study)
  4. Practice, work experience (specify the type of practice and place of completion; specify the place of work and position)
  5. Participation in public work (social activities within the university, not counting studies)
  6. Additional education (courses)
  7. Foreign language proficiency (specify the language and level of proficiency)
  8. Computer ownership (list computer programs that you own)
  9. Hobbies, hobbies
  10. Plans to continue education (specify what kind of education you plan to receive after graduation)
  11. Employment plans (you can specify the type and field of activity in which you would like to work, or the name of the positions that you are interested in from employers)
  12. Life credo (the motto you always follow)

Introduce yourself and tell us about yourself