Effective ways to find a job
Atlas of New professions - https://www.enbek.kz/atlas/
If you are a student or graduate of KazUTB - for help in finding employment, you can contact the Career Center (Nur-Sultan, K.Mukhamedkhanova str., 37a, office 1/600).
In autumn and spring, the university hosts job fairs, Faculty Days. At the beginning, representatives of companies make presentations or conduct business games, and then you can personally communicate with them.
By taking part in company presentations and job fairs, you:
- Get the opportunity to meet and communicate directly with company representatives and HR managers.
- You will be able to learn about recruitment programs and internships in companies, what requirements employers impose on candidates.
- Get information about the state of the labor market: for example, it is useful to know what is the current demand for you as a specialist. You will be able to leave your resume, get acquainted with the list of vacancies offered and pass a mini-interview.
Telephone conversations with the employer
- First you need to introduce yourself, clearly state the reason for your call and ask to connect with a representative of the company authorized to negotiate on the issue of hiring. Addressing the employer by first name and patronymic reduces the psychological distance and creates a pleasant impression of the interlocutor and the seriousness of his intentions.
- When talking on the phone, it should be remembered that the interlocutor does not see you, so the correctness and politeness of your speech, the pleasantness of intonation become especially important for building your image.
- You should not rush when talking on the phone, the interlocutor learns new information more slowly with such interaction. Briefly tell us about your education, qualifications, experience, skills, personal qualities, interests. It is useful to take the initiative and find out if something needs to be repeated, dictated.
- Having won the employer's interest, ask him for a meeting, offer to send him your resume. In case of refusal, try to get information from the interlocutor about where similar vacancies may be or appear in the near future. Offer to write down your coordinates.
- Ending the conversation, it is necessary to clearly understand for yourself how the negotiations ended, whether a meeting will take place in the future (where and when) or another phone call is required (when and who will call whom). Remember that with any outcome of telephone conversations, a polite farewell will help to consolidate a pleasant impression of you. Thank the interlocutor for the time spent on you.
- If the initiative of the call comes not from you, but from the employer, and at this moment it is inconvenient for you to talk or you are simply not psychologically ready for an interview, then it is best to postpone the telephone interview. The answer may be formulated as follows: "Thank you for paying attention to my candidacy, thank you for the call. I am very interested in your offer, but, unfortunately, I can't talk right now. Can I call you back at another time?" Thus, you will clearly express your interest in the vacancy.
- After the end of the conversation, be sure to ask what your next steps are: when it will be possible to wait for the result of the interview.
- If you know the email address of the employee who communicated with you, after the conversation, you can send him a short reminder letter in which, in addition to thanking him for the conversation, you can once again list your strengths as a professional.
Example of a graduate presentation
- Full name, faculty, specialty, course
- Achievements (indicate if they may be of interest to the employer)
- Participation in Olympiads, contests, competitions (specify only those events or works that are related to study)
- Practice, work experience (specify the type of practice and place of completion; specify the place of work and position)
- Participation in public work (social activities within the university, not counting studies)
- Additional education (courses)
- Foreign language proficiency (specify the language and level of proficiency)
- Computer ownership (list computer programs that you own)
- Hobbies, hobbies
- Plans to continue education (specify what kind of education you plan to receive after graduation)
- Employment plans (you can specify the type and field of activity in which you would like to work, or the name of the positions that you are interested in from employers)
- Life credo (the motto you always follow)
Introduce yourself and tell us about yourself
- Tell us about your achievements and participation in conferences (Olympiads), etc. Be sure to emphasize the effectiveness, but only if you have taken a worthy place. If not, then tell me what benefit this event brought to you personally.
- Tell us more about your internship and work experience. What duties have you performed and what have you learned? You can supplement your story with personal competencies.
- Tell us about the social work at the university and what benefits it brings you.
- Tell us about your additional education and what qualifications you were awarded upon graduation, or what certificate you received.
- Tell us about your skills in foreign languages and computer programs. You can supplement your story with professional competencies.
- Briefly list your hobbies and interests to show that you are a versatile person and devote time to your interests.
- In the story about your plans to continue your education, specify for what purpose you plan to continue it, perhaps indicate the connection with the specialty you have already received or with future work (activity).
- In the story about future employment plans, you can express your wishes for future work, as well as tell what contribution you could make to the development of the enterprise by proving yourself as a highly qualified specialist in your professional field.
- Finish your speech with a bright motto that would characterize your life principle.