The Committee on Youth Affairs (KDM) is a permanent representative and coordinating body of students acting on the basis of the regulations on KDM adopted at the student conference and approved by the Rector of KazUTB.
KDM is successfully working to create a diversified educational environment that promotes high-quality professional and civic formation of university students.
The main functions of the Youth Affairs Committee;
- Activation of KazUTB students;
Activation of student life of KazUTB;
Organization of KAzUTB student self-government;
Implementation of KazUTB youth policy.
KDM Activity
- It includes carrying out various activities to implement youth policy, organizing extracurricular activities and holidays, mediation in the dialogue of students with the university administration.
- Participation in the organization and improvement of the educational process at the university in the directions and in groups.
Formation of an environment of creativity and mutual assistance in student collectives.
- Participation in the organization of research work of students.
- Participation in the organization, holding of Olympiads, scientific conferences.
- Participation in the organization of inspections, competitions in the following directions.
- Coordination of the activities of public organizations of the University on the implementation of youth policy, timely solution of youth problems.
- Interaction with higher authorities, youth organizations on issues related to the practical solution of youth problems.