Head of the Department
Bayzhanova Zhazira Bolatbekovna
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
About the department
The Department of Light Industry Technology and Design is a structural subdivision of the Faculty of Technology, trains highly educated, fundamentally trained, creatively thinking, competitive specialists who are able to conduct professional activities in the field of light industry and design.
Achievements of the TLPiD Department:
KazUTB educational programs are among the leaders of the rating of educational programs in 2022 of Kazakh universities of the chamber «Atameken».
4 educational programs of the department «Technology and Design of Light Industry» took part in the rating:
The direction of personnel training:
"6B021 - Design" and "6B072-Technology and design of light industry products".
Bachelor course
Graphic symbols, trademarks, corporate styles, visual communication systems, illustrations, book design, packaging, advertising, social advertising, advertising for electronic and print media, outdoor advertising, transit advertising, illustrations;
A range of clothes for mass production, small-scale and single sewing products, designing a costume ensemble, collections of models, costume accessories.
Urban, rural, park ensembles, small architectural forms, elements of landscaping and landscaping, visual communications, exhibition spaces, equipment and furniture in the urban environment, interior spaces of residential and public buildings, underground public facilities, decoration, equipment and furniture in the interior, exhibition and trade expositions, elements of monumental and decorative and objects decorative and applied art in the exterior and interior, visual communications in the interior;
The purpose of the OP is to train highly qualified and competitive personnel in the field of technology and design of sewing products in accordance with the requirements of the regional, national and international labor markets.
Field and sphere of professional activity: Design, production, innovative activities aimed at creating competitive products of light industry and fashion industry (clothing, footwear, fur and leather products), and providing the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan with competitive products.
Accredited educational programs of the Department:
Bachelor course
Technology and design of light industry products - 30.05.2017-29.05.2022.
Graphic design - 30.05.2017-29.05.2022.
Industrial design - 30.05.2017-29.05.2022.
Master's degree
Technology and design of light industry products – 24.12. 2020.- 23.12.2025.
The department "Tupit" has 16 classrooms: lecture halls, workshops, creative studios, sewing laboratories.
To date, the department has 32 full-time units and 5 part-timers.
Training of teaching staff in 2020-2021 academic year was completed by 25 teachers, in 2019-2020 academic year - 9 teachers.
6 teachers of the department joined the Eurasian Union of Designers - Sigabatova B.B., Tungatarova D.T., Musakhanova M.A., Kulgaraeva A.A., Naetova G.A., Ospanov G.
The best artists, sculptors of Kazakhstan were accepted for the 2020-2021 academic year:
Mullashev Kamil Valiakhmetovich – artist, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Bayarlin Azat Khambetovich - associate professor, sculptor;
Kazakhbai Azhibekuly Kazbek - artist, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Smagulov Sembigali - artist, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Baitenov Magit - associate professor, artist.
Full name |
Position |
Bayzhanova Zhazira Bolatbekovna |
Head of the department "Technology of Light Industry and Design" Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Member of the Eurasian Union of Designers, academician of MAIN |
Nurmukhambetova Botagoz Tuligenovna |
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Member of the Eurasian Union of Designers, academician of MAIN |
Kozhabergenova Kalamkul Doktyrbekovna |
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor,( assistant professor) |
Umralieva Bella Illaridavnovna |
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor |
Ordashev Talant Khamitovich |
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Borankulov Erkinbek Kagazbekovich |
Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor.( assistant professor), Member of the Eurasian Union of Designers |
Fendt Yulia Borisovna |
PhD in Architecture, member of the Union of Urban Planners of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Dzhusupova-Parfilkina Irina Maratovna |
Master, senior lecturer, Member of the Eurasian Union of Designers |
Naetova Gulnur Abudillaevna |
Master, senior lecturer, Member of the Eurasian Union of Designers |
Bekzat Aikumis Borіkhankyzy |
Master, senior lecturer, Member of the Eurasian Union of Designers |
Zheterbaeva Raigul Abilkhasymova |
Master, lecturer |
Kusyman Karlygash Ergaliqyzy |
Master, senior lecturer, Member of the Eurasian Union of Designers |
Sagintaeva Saule Alkenovna |
Senior lecturer, member of the Union of Designers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Member of the Eurasian Union of Designers |
Ibraeva Ayymgul |
Master, senior lecturer, Member of the Eurasian Union of Designers |
Musakhanov Meruert Abytkhanovna |
Master, senior lecturer, Member of the Eurasian Union of Designers |
Abitkhan Aidana Rasylkhankyzy |
Master, lecturer |
Dunayskaya Daria Alexandrovna |
Master, lecturer |
Yerkin Arman |
Master, lecturer |
Shakirova Muhabbat Akimbekkyzy |
Master, lecturer |
part-timers |
Tokaev Nurmukhan Sugirbaevich |
Member of the Union of Urban Planners of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Zhanmurzina Damira Dulatovna |
Master, lecturer |
Dzhandarbekova Dihangul Dzhandarbekovna |
Professor |
Bazarbayeva Saule Maratovna |
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor |
Scientific activity
Publications in KCSON journals
In 2019-2020 academic year - 9 publications, in 2020-2021 academic year - 30 publications.
In October 2020, at the Republican competition «native land» collection «designing a collection of clothing for young people using petroglyphs» zanyala 2 places. Author-students Akabekova zh. a., Akhmetbekova A. B., Nurlan A. N. head-Bekzat A. B.
Participation in the republican contest "Tugan Zher" National Delphic Committee.On the topic: Development of a collection of clothing models in the style of Casual.September-October-2020; Student:Rysbek Aiken has received a certificate. Head: Naletova G.A.
In 2021, Abdigali A. took 1st place in the intra-university competition for the best scientific work of students in natural, social, humanitarian and economic sciences (head - Nurmukhambetova B.T.).
At the competition of scientific research works of students of higher educational institutions of the republic Ali Zh., Rysbekova N. took 1st place, Akzhol A., Mahash A. - 2nd place.
In the XIII Republican subject Olympiad on the educational program "Technology and design of light industry products" Talgat D. took 2nd place.
In the Republican Subject Olympiad of 2021 among university students , the following students were awarded certificates of the IOC participant:
- specialty "Architectural design" (subject "Elements and processes of architectural design"): Mustapaeva A. (supervisor - Musakhanova M.A.); Nyshan Zh. (scientific supervisor - Ordashev T.H.); Abdrakhmanova S. (scientific supervisor - Fendt Yu.B.); Abildinov D.A., Tolesh A.A., Akhanova A.D. (scientific supervisor - Musakhanova M.A.); Zhakulyanova L.G., Rysbekova N.U., Sidoruk A.D. (scientific supervisor - Sagintayeva S.A.);
- specialty «Fashion Design » (subject «Elements and processes of fashion design »): Ali Zh.F., Ryspekova K.Zh. (scientific supervisor - Bekzat A.B.).
Outstanding graduates of the department
Adilova Aizhan is an expert of the Department of Light Industry of the Committee for Industrial Development and Industrial Safety under the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Shyrshykbaeva Venera is an expert of the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Nukenova Ainur is the manager of the Kazakh women's clothing brand SAMIDEL.
Akpayev Kairat is a specialist in printing production at the Office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Prospects for the development of the department