Department of Chemistry, Chemical Technology and Ecology

Head of the Department

Нұртай Жадыра Тастенбековна

Заведующий кафедрой "Химии, химической технологии и экологии" асс., профессор


8 (7172) 725825 вн 118




About the department

The purpose of the department:

  • Satisfaction of the consumer's need for the training of qualified competitive specialists.
  • To improve the effectiveness of the educational process by increasing the academic performance and attendance of students.
  • To optimize the information and methodological support of the educational process.
  • To ensure the effectiveness of the organization of academic and extracurricular work with students.
  • Establishing partnerships with other universities and organizations in order to improve the quality of education, to support technical and cultural ties.
  • Patriotic education and the formation of civic engagement, social responsibility of young people through the implementation of social projects, carrying out activities to popularize state symbols, the formation of knowledge about the history, traditions of the people of Kazakhstan and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

The mission of the department:

Formation of professional competencies and personal qualities of competitive, creative and innovative thinking, able to realize their knowledge and skills of specialists in the field of environmental protection and chemical technology in the domestic and international labor market on the basis of:

- modernization of the educational process;

- introduction of advanced technologies and techniques;

- the development of students through research activities, critical thinking, the development of professionally-oriented skills and abilities;

- development of cooperation "university-employer" to meet the requirements of the labor market for technical and environmental specialists, to improve the quality of modular educational programs for training specialists in the chemical technology and ecology sector.

History of the department:

The Department of Chemistry, Chemical Technology and Ecology was established in 2005.

The department carries out educational activities according to the state license of the KZ29LAA00008797 series in the field of higher and postgraduate education without limitation of validity, issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 18.04.2017. The training is conducted in Russian and Kazakh.

Кафедра осуществляет подготовку студентов по образовательным программам: 6В07117 – Химическая технология органических веществ, 6В11230 – Безопасность жизнедеятельности и защита окружающей среды, 6В05213 – Экология, 6В07218 – Горное дело: открытая и подземная разработка месторождений полезных ископаемых, 6В07222 – Нефтегазовое дело: разработка и эксплуатация нефтяных и газовых месторождений, 6В07231 – Горное дело: физико-химическая геотехнология. Также осуществляется подготовка магистрантов по образовательным программам: 7М07138 – Химическая технология органических веществ, 7М07240 – Нефтегазовое дело: разработка и эксплуатация нефтяных и газовых месторождений.

Professional practice:

Employees of the Department in the field of science cooperate with such organizations as Atyrau Refinery, Karaganda Rubber Technology LLP, Ministry of Environmental Protection, RSE Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Certification, Serpukhov Institute of Engineering Physics of the Russian Federation, Gubkin Russian University of Oil and Gas, National Academy of Mining Sciences, Kaztekhproekt, KazGMI, Himpromproekt, KazProm, etc.

The base of production and pre-graduate practices are the following enterprises and institutions with which contracts have been concluded for the internship of students of the specialty: the enterprise Institute of New Technologies of ON-Olzha Corporation, the Research Institute of Chemical Problems of E.A.Buketov KarSU, Alem TransOil LLP, Arcelor Mittal Temirtau LLP, Atyrau Oil Refinery, plant of rubber-technical products of Karaganda, National Academy of Mining Sciences, Kaztechproekt, KazGMI, Himpromproekt, KazProm, etc.

ТОО Научно-производственное объединение Энергосберегающие технологии- бессрочное, ТОО Институт химии угля и технологии -24.09.2020-23.09.2025, ТОО Компания Нефтехим LTD- бессрочное.

The places of internship are determined depending on the specifics of the OP and taking into account the possibility of further employment of students. The department pays great attention to the formation of a list of practice bases, carefully choose organizations where managers treat the organization of students' practice with due responsibility.

In order to harmonize the content of educational programs of leading Kazakhstani and foreign universities, academic mobility is provided at the university.

Academic mobility

It is one of the most important areas of international activity of the university and contributes to improving the quality of education, improving the efficiency of research work of students and research teachers, improving their professional, cultural and educational level, improving the management system, establishing external and internal integration relations of the Kazakh University of Technology and Business.

In order to optimize the educational process and ensure academic mobility of students in the formation of working curricula, the maximum unification of curricula of related specialties is provided, as well as the possibility of studying part of educational programs (training direction) in other universities, including foreign ones.

Academic mobility of students and undergraduates provides for mandatory transfer of mastered educational programs in the form of credits in accordance with the established procedure, and also includes the passage of educational or industrial practice.

Bachelor course

1 Direction of personnel training - 6B05213- Ecology, Environment

Educational program " Ecology "

  Profile subjects: biology, geography.

  Degree awarded: Bachelor's degree in natural sciences, mathematics and statistics in the educational

program "Ecology"

Currently, the training of qualified specialists in the field of general and applied ecology, nature conservation and environmental management, who have an idea of new directions of modern ecology and are able to apply the knowledge gained in scientific and practical activities and orientation to the future, which is manifested in the possibility of building their education taking into account success in personal and professional activities that meet the requirements of employers.


  The sphere of professional activity of a graduate of an educational program is:  

  • organizational and managerial;
  • production and technological;
  • service and operational;
  • experimental research;
  • educational (pedagogical);
  • project.

  An ecologist specialist is engaged in:  

  • territorial environmental protection departments,
  • national parks,
  • nature reserves, nature reserves, biosphere reserves,
  • industrial enterprises,
  • agro-industrial complexes,
  • landfills,
  • energy facilities, nuclear power plants,
  • educational institutions,
  • research institutes and centers.

  5 advantages of learning:  

  • The teaching of moral satisfaction from the work done, in connection with receiving a salary through environmental improvement.
  • Qualified environmentalists are popular among employers and this demand will grow.
  • Graduates of universities already have some work experience due to passing the necessary practices at productions6, which contributes to the acquisition of useful acquaintances and recommendations.
  • An environmental engineer who has received the necessary qualifications can count on a sufficiently profitable job in the petrochemical, construction or energy industries.
  • The profession of an ecologist is international, which makes it possible to work abroad.
2 Direction of personnel training - 6B07117- Engineering and engineering – Educational program "Chemical technology of organic substances"

Profile subjects:   chemistry, physics.

  Degree awarded: Bachelor in the field of "Chemical technology of organic substances"  

The objects of professional activity of graduates of the educational program are enterprises for the production of organic substances, for the processing of oil, gas, coal and polymers, elastomers, paints, powders, solid and liquid rocket fuels, for the preparation, extraction and transportation of hydrocarbon raw materials and their rational use; research and design industry institutes; secondary technical educational institutions institutions; defense enterprises, mining industries.


  The sphere of professional activity of a graduate of an educational program is:  

  • Production and technological;
  • Project;
  • Organizational and managerial;
  • Experimental and research.
  • The field of professional activity is engineering, manufacturing and construction industries.

  A specialist in the chemical technology of organic substances is engaged in:  

  • Enterprises producing organic substances, polymers, elastomers, paints, powders, solid and liquid rocket fuels;
  • Oil, gas and coal processing enterprises;
  • Enterprises for the extraction, preparation and transportation of hydrocarbon raw materials and transportation of hydrocarbon raw materials and their rational use;
  •  Mining industries;
  •  Research and design branch institutes;
  •  Secondary technical and higher educational institutions;
  • Departments of chemical and special profile.

  5 advantages of learning:  

  • 100% employment opportunity;

  • Modern research laboratories;

  • The leading positions of the specialty in the ranking of educational programs of Kazakhstani universities;

  • Highly qualified teaching staff;

  • The graduate is intended to work in the following industries (areas): oil refining, petrochemistry, polymer processing, geology, hydrology, mining, science and education;
3 Direction of personnel training - 6B11230- Occupational health and safety at work – Educational program "Life safety and environmental protection"

Profile subjects: mathematics, physics.

  Degree awarded: Bachelor's degree in the OP "Life Safety and environmental protection".

The bachelor in his professional activity performs the following functions: carrying out work to create conditions for life safety, labor and environmental protection, protection in emergency situations; conducting training and instruction on safety, labor and environmental protection; monitoring compliance with requirements for life safety, environmental protection.



  The sphere of professional activity of the graduate of the educational program are: . 

  • military-industrial complex,
  • industry,
  • agriculture and
  • utilities, production and consumption,
  • government agencies in the field of life safety,
  • environmental protection,
  • protection in emergency situations,
  • environmental services.

  A specialist in OP BRZIZOS is engaged in:  

  • enterprises and organizations that influence their components, technogenic,
  • social,
  • information systems and their components;
  • water, land, biotic and other resources, as well as the health of workers;
  • factors determining the safety of life, environmental protection, engaged in the development, implementation and operation of technological systems, networks and protection in emergency situations;
  • allowing to prevent industrial, fire, environmental, chemical, radiation and other hazards.

    5 advantages of learning:  

  • The graduate receives two specialties: a safety engineer and an environmental protection specialist.
  • Constant demand - the position of an occupational safety engineer is available in all production organizations.
  • A specialist in BJ and ZOS is a sociable and active person who is able to quickly navigate the situation.
  • Plan and develop measures to protect production personnel and the public in emergency situations.
  • Constant meetings with new people and lots of communication. By choosing this profession you will not be bored - that's for sure!
4 Direction of personnel training - 6B07222- Manufacturing and processing industries – Educational program "Oil and gas business: development and operation of oil and gas fields"

Profile subjects: mathematics, physics.

Degree awarded: Bachelor of "Oil and Gas Business"

Oil and gas business is a field of science and material production, including a set of means and methods of human activity aimed at the complex development of the Earth's interior for the purpose of extracting oil, natural gas and gas condensate.



  The sphere of professional activity of a graduate of an educational program is:  

  • Production and technological,
  • Organizational and managerial,
  • Experimental research and design activities in the field of innovative construction technologies,
  • Operation and repair of mining facilities,
  • Transportation and storage of hydrocarbons, taking into account the principles of rational nature management and environmental protection.

  An oil and gas specialist is engaged in:  

  • Service drilling companies,
  • Oil and gas production enterprises,
  • Hydrocarbon pipeline transport enterprises and research centers,
  • Linear pipeliner;
  • Engineer;
  • Technologist.

  5 advantages of learning:  

  • Availability of ideas on the theory of work in the oil and gas industry, reliability of technological equipment, hydromechanics and thermodynamics, control and automation of production processes, resource-saving technologies and environmental protection, industrial and fire safety;
  • Possession of modern computer technologies for group and individual design of oil and gas facilities;
  • Proficiency in a foreign language at a professional level;
  • Carrying out calculations of technological modes of drilling, production, preparation, transportation and storage of hydrocarbons and the ability to choose the most optimal;
  • Knowledge of modern diagnostic systems, maintenance and repair of oil and gas complex equipment.
5 Direction of personnel training - 6B07218- Manufacturing and processing industries – Educational program "Mining: open and underground mining of mineral deposits"

Profile subjects: mathematics, physics.

  Degree awarded: Bachelor of Mining     

Graduates of the educational program 6B07118 - "Mining" can perform the following types of professional activities: production and technological; organizational and managerial; research; project.


  The sphere of professional activity of a graduate of an educational program is:  

  • Production and technological;
  • Project;
  • Organizational and managerial;
  • Experimental and research.
  • The field of professional activity is engineering, manufacturing and construction industries.

  A mining specialist is engaged in:  

  • production and processing enterprises manage mining and blasting operations,
  • i.e. directly manage technological processes at production facilities,
  • including developing, coordinating and approving technical, methodological and other documents
  • regulating the procedure for performing mining and blasting operations
  • works with explosive materials; monitor compliance with the requirements of technical documentation for the production of works, applicable norms, rules and standards;

  5 advantages of learning:  

  • 100% employment opportunity;
  • Modern research laboratories;
  • Leading positions of sociality in the rating of educational programs of Kazakhstani universities;
  • Highly qualified teaching staff;
  • The graduate is intended to work in the following industries (areas): oil refining, petrochemistry, polymer processing, geology, hydrology, mining, science and education;
6 Direction of personnel training - 6B07231- Manufacturing and processing industries – Educational program "Mining: physico-chemical geotechnology"

Profile subjects: mathematics, physics.

Degree awarded: Bachelor of Mining

The objects of professional activity of graduates of the educational program are enterprises for the production of organic substances, for the processing of oil, gas, coal and polymers, elastomers, paints, powders, solid and liquid rocket fuels, for the preparation, extraction and transportation of hydrocarbon raw materials and their rational use; research and design industry institutes; secondary technical educational institutions institutions; defense enterprises, mining industries.


The sphere of professional activity of a graduate of an educational program is:

  • Production and technological;
  • Project;
  • Organizational and managerial;
  • Experimental and research.
  • The field of professional activity is engineering, manufacturing and construction industries.

Specialist in OP Mining: physico-chemical geotechnology is engaged in:

  • drilling of wells,
  • fixing and cementing of the borehole,
  • development of wells, operation of drilling equipment,
  • operation of equipment for oil and gas production, exploration of wells and reservoirs, operation of field preparation equipment,
  • transportation and storage of oil and gas.

5 advantages of learning:

  • 100% employment opportunity;
  • Modern research laboratories;
  • Leading positions of sociality in the rating of educational programs of Kazakhstani universities;
  • Highly qualified teaching staff;
  • The graduate is intended to work in the following industries (areas): oil refining, petrochemistry, polymer processing, geology, hydrology, mining, science and education;
База практика договоры ХХТиЭ

ТОО «Казэкоэксперт»

ТОО Азимут СпецСтрой

2-сторон.договор 2025г,Тоо Центр строй групп

2-сторон.договор 2025г,РГУ “Отдел по чрезвычайным ситуациям Нуриского района»

2-сторон.договор 2025г,Нұра ауданының төтенше жағдайлар бөлімі PMM-1

Депортамент По Чрезвычайным ситуациям г.Астана МЧС РК,Меморандум о сотрудничестве

Энергосберегающие технологии

ФилиалНЦ КПМС РК ХМИ им.Ж.Абишева


ТООKhan Tau Minerals

ТОО ЭкоДос

ТОО Казахалтын


ТОО Trans Aliance Service

ТОО Amirgeoproekt


ТОО _Научно производственный центр экологических и промышленной биотехнологии_-1

ТОО _Научно производственный центр экологических и промышленной биотехнологии_

ТОО _Данияр-Бидай_


Казахалтын Technology

AО Алтыналмас

Master's degree

The Department of Hte carries out recruitment to the Master's degree in OP:

7M07138/7M07147 – Engineering and Engineering (Chemical technology of organic substances).

Features of OP training   : 

High demand

Decent salary

Constant self-development

Be aware of trends in chemical production

The opportunity to work in high positions

   Career prospects (professions):   

planning and conducting scientific research in the field of chemical technology of organic substances.

modeling and optimization of production facilities and technological schemes

of design and estimate documentation in the production of organic substances and materials;

ensuring the effectiveness of design solutions

design of new and modernization of existing technological schemes;

selection of technological parameters, calculation of equipment selection;

organization and ensuring the efficiency of technological lines, processes for the production and processing of organic substances and materials, oil, gas, coal, polymers, elastomers, vegetable raw materials;

examination and diagnostics of the state and dynamics of technological processes and equipment;

organization of workplaces, their technical equipment, placement of technological equipment;

to carry out engineering calculations of chemical and technological processes in the preparation of technical and design documentation and the selection of equipment for the chemical production of materials based on natural and synthetic hydrocarbon organic raw materials.

  Popular examples of graduates' professions:  

science and education;

oil refining;


polymer processing;


food and processing, microbiological, pharmaceutical industries.


chemical technologist;

technology technologist;

master technologist;

7M07252/7M07246 - Manufacturing and processing industries (Mining).

Features of OP training   : 

High demand

Decent salary

Constant self-development

Process control at production facilities

Opportunity to work in high positions

   Career prospects (professions):   

implementation of technical management of work to ensure the functioning of mining equipment and systems;

development of regulatory documents that regulate the procedure for the execution of mining blasting operations, as well as those related to the processing and enrichment of solid minerals, the construction and use of underground structures, equipment, ensuring compliance with the requirements of technical documentation;

implementation of measures to increase the environmental safety of mining;

guidance on the principles of subsoil use;

development of measures to improve and increase the technical level of mining support;

determining the position of the object;

performing geodetic and surveying measurements and processing the results obtained;

development of plans for the elimination of accidents that occurred during exploration;

organization of your work process and the process in the team;

control, analysis and evaluation of subordinates' actions;

organization of the workflow for professional development;

analysis, comprehensive justification of decisions, improvement of production efficiency;

implementation of works to improve production activities.

  Popular examples of graduates' professions:  

Graduates receive an engineering specialty. This gives them the opportunity to easily get a job in any company related to the development of mineral resources and mining in the position:

mining engineer;


a subsurface scout;




Most professions require a willingness to travel and live in the field. If a specialist is not ready for this, he can design urban communications, for example, the subway or utility networks. They can also do research or teaching work.

7M07253/7M07248 - Manufacturing and processing industries (Oil and gas business).

Features of OP training   : 

High demand

Decent salary

Constant self-development

Be aware of the trends in the oil and gas industry

Opportunity to work in high positions

   Career prospects (professions):   

organization of technological processes of oil and gas production;

design of oil and gas transportation and storage facilities for oil, petroleum products and gas;

implement and adjust technological processes, select and apply appropriate modeling methods;

independently analyze existing theories and methods in oil and gas engineering and work on practical and theoretical issues in this area;

proficiency in designing pipelines, oil and gas storage facilities, pumping and compressor stations;

identify, formulate and solve complex oil and gas problems in the field of extraction and processing of oil and gas raw materials;

develop projects for drilling and operation of wells, oil and gas extraction from various types of reservoirs;

design and develop new innovative technological processes and equipment for oil and gas production and transportation of oil and gas;

analyze possible innovation risks when introducing new technologies, equipment;

improve the methods of operation and maintenance of equipment;

compare the decisions taken aimed at improving the efficiency of the process of extracting oil from reservoirs

   Popular examples of graduates' professions:   

In order to engage in research activities, as well as to take a position in one of the oilfield service companies or state oil and gas production management bodies, you should obtain a master's degree. In addition to fundamental knowledge in the field of geophysics, geology and geodynamics, undergraduates gain invaluable practical experience in the exploration and economic evaluation of deposits, study the management of the oil and gas industry and the legal basis for the management of the Southern oil and gas production.

ensuring efficient and reliable operation of the equipment;

control over automated and technological processes;

carrying out the necessary calculations and drawing up technological plans;

implementation of drilling, preparation, production, transportation and storage of products;

carrying out diagnostic and maintenance work;

equipment repair;

research work.

Material and technical equipment

The department has 5 operating chemical laboratories and 1 ecology room. All laboratories are equipped with the necessary inventory and equipment.

  • Laboratory No. 415 (Analytical and physico-colloidal chemistry).
  • Laboratory No. 413 (applied engineering).
  • Laboratory No. 313 (Organic Chemistry).
  • Laboratory No. 311 (General Chemical technology).
  • Laboratory No. 315 (Occupational safety and health).
  • Laboratory No. 417 (Ecology).

At the Department of Chemistry, Chemical Technology and Ecology, the educational process and scientific research are carried out in six laboratories: Labor Protection and BZHIZOS. Ecology. General and inorganic chemistry. Organic chemistry. General chemical technology and applied engineering. Analytical and physic colloidal chemistry. Thus, the material resources of the university are sufficient to fulfill the stated mission, goals and objectives. There is a regular improvement of material resources, modernization and strengthening of the material and technical base. The combination of information, technical and material resources ensures the development of the educational process at a high modern level.

Teaching staff
Профессорско-преподавательский состав
Ф.И.О. ППС Ученая (академическая) степень Должность
1 Нұртай Жадыра Тастенбековна доктор PhD Зав. кафедрой
2 Омаров Хылыш Бейсенович д.т.н. профессор
3 Зейнуллин Абдикарим Абжалелович д.т.н. профессор
4 Смайлова Нургуль Темиргалиевна д.т.н. профессор
5 Даулетжанова Жанна Таумуратовна доктор PhD асс.профессор
6 Нургалиев Нуркен Утеуович асс.профессор профессор
7 Каратаев Канат Балтабекович доктор PhD асс.профессор
8 Казанкапова Майра Куттыбаевна асс.профессор профессор
9 Жатканбаев Ерлан Ержанович д.т.н. асс.профессор(доцент)
10 Сулеймен Ерлан Мэлсович к.х.н. асс.профессор
11 Өнерхан Гүлжайна к.б.н. асс.профессор
12 Жумабекова Арай Керимакыновна к.х.н. асс.профессор
13 Жунусова Эльвира Бактыгалиевна к.т.н. асс.профессор
14 Усенкулова Шолпан Женисбековна доктор PhD асс.профессор
15 Шонтаев Аскар Джаманбаевич доктор PhD асс.профессор
16 Мамытова Нургуль Сагиевна доктор PhD асс.профессор
17 Ермағамбет Болат Толеуханович  д.т.н.  профессор 
18 Хамит Айтолкын Жумабаевна магистр ст. преподаватель
19 Хайруллина Райхан Бурхановна магистр ст. преподаватель
20 Ахаева Айнур Акимхановна магистр ст. преподаватель
21 Иварай Айжан магистр ст. преподаватель
22 Такирова Айгерим Хасеновна магистр ст. преподаватель
23 Калыхбергенова Светлана Жулмухановна
ст. преподаватель
24 Тұраққазы Ақерке Айданқызы магистр ст. преподаватель
25 Касенова Жанар Муратбековна к.т.н. асс. профессор
26 Тұяқбай Әсем Серіққызы доктор PhD асс. профессор
27 Шонтаев Джаманбай Салыкович к.т.н. асс. профессор
28 Каржауова Элеонора Калмурзаевна магистр преподаватель
29 Сламкұл Индира Сапаргалиқызы магистр преподаватель
30 Мейрам Диана Дауреновна магистр преподаватель
31 Абишева Галия Сериковна магистр преподаватель

Scientific activity

Every year , a competition of scientific projects is held within the framework of R & D and NIRM under the guidance of the faculty of the department .

Teaching staff of the department participate in international scientific and practical conferences, seminars, symposiums, are published in collections of scientific conferences, in journals recommended by the Committee for Control in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in rating publications with an impact factor, in publications included in the list (RSCI).

The main purpose of research and development is the formation and strengthening of students' creative abilities, the development and improvement of forms of attracting young people to scientific, design, technological, creative and innovative activities that ensure the unity of educational, scientific, educational processes to improve the professional and technical level of training of specialists with higher education.

Meetings, seminars and round tables with leading scientists and heads of enterprises are organized on an ongoing basis for students and teachers. The department conducts R&D and R&D in which students actively participate.

Scientific activity of the department

The research work of the department is carried out in four main scientific directions:
- Chemical and technological bases for the production and application of organic materials;
- Development of scientific bases for the production of modifying organic preparations;
- Research and development in the field of environmental protection and water use;
- Development of science-based approaches in the organization of industrial safety at industrial facilities.The effectiveness of the research work is provided by 5 doctors of sciences, 6 candidates of sciences, 3 PhD doctors, 10 masters.The teaching staff of the department annually participate in international scientific and practical conferences, seminars, symposiums, are published in collections of scientific conferences, in journals recommended by the Committee for Control in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in rating publications with an impact factor, in the publications included in the list (RSCI).Over the past 5 years, the faculty of the department has published 51 scientific articles in the following journals included in the Thomson Reuters and Scopus databases: Diabetes.A Journal of the American Diabetes Association, Solid Fuel Chemistry, Journal of Environmental Management and Tourist, Oriental Journal of chemistry, Journal of Landscape Ecology (TjkolgiaiLapok), Inorganic Materials, Journal of Organic Chemistry, Journal of General Chemistry, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Izvestiyavuzov. Color Metallurgy, News of the national academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan, series of Geology and Technical sciences,GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, Mining Journal, European Journal of Ophthalmology, International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Journal of Intellectual Disability Diagnosis and Treatment (Life science Global) idr.
Teachers of the department take an active part in International scientific projects and Republican fundamental and applied research projects funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan based on the results of competitive selection. 3 scientific projects have been successfully implemented at the department:
Development of technology and creation of a pilot plant for steam-carbon dioxide conversion of methane in low-temperature plasma to produce liquid hydrocarbons No. 0467/GF4. -2017-2018 (head - Kasenova Zh.M.)
Development of technology and creation of production of carbon nanocomposite materials based on mineral domestic raw materials for gas phase and wastewater treatment - 2018-2019 (head - Kazankapova M.K.)
Synthesis of biologically active derivatives of the antibiotic roseofungin -2018-2020 (head - Iskakova Zh.B.)
Under the guidance of Doctor of Technical Sciences Zhatkanbaev E.E., research is being conducted on the project Testing reagents in nickel extraction from production solutions of Kaznikel LLP, the customer of SMPartners LLP.
Associate Professors Kazankapova M.K. and Kasenova Zh.M. they participate in the grant project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Development of technology and organization of pilot production of modified organic biological products based on humic polyelectrolytic acids obtained from the coals of Kazakhstan
In 2021, 2 monographs were published:

  1. Mynzhapyrak (Achillea) kuramyndagi sesquiterpendi laktondar (authors: R.I. Zhalmakhanbetova and others).
  2. Mathematical description of chemical and technological processes (author: Nurgaliev N.U.)

In 2021, 1 patent was obtained on a method of single-stage synthesis of biodegradable chitosan hydrogel with embedded mineral and/or organic fertilizers (authors: Zhatkanbayev E.E., Kolpek A. et al.)
In November 2021, the defense of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) of the senior lecturer of the department Mamytova N.S. took place at the L.N.Gumilev ENU. on the topic of the study of the patterns of self-purification of surface waters by hydrobionts in the specialty 6D060800-Ecology.
The department conducts research and development, aimed at the formation and strengthening of the creative abilities of students, the development and improvement of forms of attracting young people to scientific, design, technological, creative and innovative activities, ensuring the unity of educational, scientific, educational processes to improve the professional and technical level of training of specialists with higher education.In 2021, 11 students took part in scientific competitions. 12 undergraduates and 5 students made presentations at scientific conferences. Three students were awarded diplomas and a certificate of appreciation. A student of the specialty KHTOV Mukhitdinova M.I. under the guidance of professor of the department Dzhalmakhanbetova R.I. took 1st place in the intra-university competition of the best scientific works of students and was awarded a diploma. Student Amanzhan G.A., under the guidance of associate professor Nurgaliev N.U. (title of the work: Modeling the process of layered coal gasification) became the winner of the project Best Young Scientists 2021 among scientific and educational institutions of the Commonwealth of Independent States, organized by the Association of Legal Entities in the form of the association National Bobek Movement

Teachers of the Department of UIOOS take an active part in International scientific projects and Republican fundamental and applied research projects funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan based on the results of competitive selection. Currently, 5 scientific projects have been implemented at the department:

  • «Development of technologies and creation of a pilot complex for deep processing of shale of Kazakhstan for raw materials of 250 tons per year" -2017-2018 (head - Ermagambet B.T.)
  • «Development of technology and creation of a pilot plant for steam-carbon dioxide conversion of methane in low-temperature plasma to produce liquid hydrocarbons" No.0467/GF4. -2017-2018 (head - Kasenova Zh.M.)
  • «Development of technology and creation of production of carbon nanocomposite materials based on mineral domestic raw materials for gas phase and wastewater treatment - 2018-2019 (head - Kazankapova M.K.)
  • «Выделение, установление строения и противоопухлевой активности антибиотиков из грибов лишайников Акмолинской области» - республиканский конкурс «Грантовое финансирование научных и научно-технических проектов на 2023-2025 гг. (руководитель – Сулеймен Е.М.)
  • «Разработка прогрессивной технологии проведения выработок на выбросоопасных пластах на базе аналитического моделирования геомеханических процессов во вмещающих породах» - по программе «Жас ғалым» 2022-2024 гг. (руководитель- Шонтаев А.Д.)

Graduates of the department

Graduates of the department carry out their professional activities in various companies and organizations. For example, Zhienbekova A. is a leading specialist in petrochemical ballance in the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Bagisova S. is an employee of the Pavlodar refinery, Kakimova G. is a teacher of the KazUTB College, Zhamantayeva E. is an employee of the Astana SUarnasy enterprise, Shengozhienovasaltanate is an ecologist specialist of the "Ecological Movement for a Green Planet" Intellectual School of the first president of the physics and mathematics direction, Sergazina Zh. Works in the RSE "Information and Analytical Center of the Ministry of Environmental Protection" chief specialist, etc.

Outstanding graduates of the department

Nauryzbayeva Asemay - has articles in the journals Scopus and COXON.

Abylgazina Leila is a graduate of the department, enrolled in doctoral studies in Germany.

Kalikhanov Ainur – Head of the Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 

Kusainov Arman – Head of the Department of Emergency Situations.

Gulmira Baymaganbetova is a leading specialist of KazMunayGas.

Student life

Educational work is carried out according to the approved plan of the department in the following areas: organizational, individual work, legal education, work in a dormitory, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, socio-cultural work.

Educational work is based on the ideological principles of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the General Declaration of Human Rights, the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the People of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan 2030", the concept of youth policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and instructional materials of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Curatorial work plays an important role in the educational process. The main directions of the curator's work are: monitoring progress, working with lagging students, communication with parents, leisure time for students, prevention of offenses, combating drug addiction and the introduction of healthy lifestyle principles.