Educational and methodological management

Educational and methodological department

Educational and methodological department is a structural unit of the university responsible for the organization and department of the educational process.

The Educational and methodological department is directly subordinate to the Vice-rector for Educational and Methodological Work of the university.

The Educational and Methodological Department (UMU) is the main structural unit of the university, whose activities are based on a combination of centralized leadership from the rector's office with the independence and initiative of the department.

The staff of the educational and methodological department in their activities are guided by:

• The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

• The Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

• The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education";

• The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Science";

• Standard rules of activity of educational organizations implementing educational programs of higher and postgraduate education;

• The State mandatory standard of higher postgraduate education of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

• Qualification requirements for educational activities and a list of documents confirming compliance with them;

• Rules of organization and implementation of educational and methodological and scientific-methodical work;

• Strategic Development Plan of KazUTB JSC;

• Internal labor regulations;

• Academic policy of KazUTB JSC.

The main goal of department is effective planning and high-quality organization of the educational process at the university.

The main objectives of the educational and methodological department are:

• planning and organization of the educational process at the university;

• planning, organization and improvement of methodological support of the educational process at the university;

• coordination of educational and methodological activities of faculties and departments of the university;

• methodological, regulatory and informational support of educational activities;

• monitoring the implementation of the educational process.

In accordance with the tasks of the UMU performs the following functions:

• organizes the educational process at the university and controls its implementation,

• draws up and approves academic calendars for the academic year;

coordination of the work of faculties, departments on the development of educational programs, work curricula, educational and methodological support of disciplines, catalogs of elective disciplines, taking into account the requirements of credit technology of training, the requirements of the labor market;

• improvement of the system of organization, control and methodological support of all types of work of students;

• advising the teaching staff on educational and methodological issues;

• improvement of the system of organization, control and methodological support of all types of work of students;

• advising the teaching staff on educational and methodological issues;

• plans the teaching load for the academic year and monitors its implementation by departments, is responsible for the effective use of the hourly fund, analyzes the implementation of the academic load during the academic year;

• on the basis of the academic load, the staff of the university faculty is planning together with the Department of Personnel Management and Accounting;

• supervises the preparation and implementation of individual plans of university teachers;

• keeps records and coordinates the distribution of the classroom fund, compiles and monitors the implementation of the schedule of training sessions, intermediate and final certification;

• coordinates the work of the final attestation commissions;

• analyzes the effectiveness of the use of various forms and methods of teaching in the educational process;

• forms proposals for improving the educational process and implements scientifically-based criteria for assessing the quality of training specialists;

• coordination of the process of preparation and registration of an application for licenses of educational programs, entering data on the educational program in the ESUVO.