*Казахский университет технологии и бизнеса имени К.Кулажанова осуществляет набор студентов на 1 курс по следующим образовательным программам: 6В02101 Графический дизайн, 6В02102, 6В02103 Дизайн моды, 6В02104 Архитектурный дизайн, 6В04103 Учет и аудит, 6В04105 Менеджмент, 6В04107 Государственное и местное управление, 6В04108 Финансы, 6В04110 Экономика, 6В05112 Биотехнология , 6В05213 Экология, 6В06114 Информационные системы, 6В06115 IT-менеджмент, 6В07116 Автоматизация и управление, 6В07117 Химическая технология органических веществ, 6В07219 Технологические машины и оборудования, 6В07231 Горное дело: физико-химическая геотехнология, 6В07218 Горное дело: открытая и подземная разработка месторождений полезных ископаемых, 6В07220 Технология продовольственных продуктов (по отраслям), 6В07222 Нефтегазовое дело: разработка и эксплуатация нефтяных и газовых месторождений, 6В07223 Технология перерабатывающих производств (по отраслям), 6В07224 Технология и конструирование изделий легкой промышленности, 6В07525 Стандартизация и сертификация (по отраслям), 6В11126 Ресторанное дело и гостиничный бизнес, 6В11127 Туризм, 6В11128 IT – технологии в сфере сервиса, 6В11129 Международный туризм, 6В11230 Безопасность жизнедеятельности и защита окружающей среды. Действует двух дипломная система образования и магистратура. При университете функционирует колледж по 13 специальностям в сфере технологии и бизнеса. Для иногородних предоставляется новый корпус общежития. Телефоны: +7(7172) 57 88 15, +7 708 425 06 60, +7 701 602 53 53

Scientific and Technical Council

General information

The main purpose of the creation of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Kazakh University of Technology and Business is to provide conditions for the effective management of scientific and innovative activities of the University with the involvement of its scientific community in solving the tasks of organizing such activities and, in particular, assessing the quality of scientific units, using the results of scientific activities in the sectors of the national economy, educational and scientific-production process and ensuring conditions for the fullest satisfaction of scientific and socio-economic interests of research teams and scientific departments of the university.

The activities of the Scientific and Technical Council of the University are aimed at solving the following main tasks:

Coordination of the work of scientific departments in the implementation of complex research and development work, grant and innovation projects;

Determination of the prospects for the development of scientific departments of the university, the directions of scientific research carried out in them, their compliance with the profile of training specialists and educational programs of the University;

Analysis and evaluation of the main results of scientific research conducted at the university, as well as consideration of the results of the scientific work of the university departments;

Consideration of the feasibility of creating problem laboratories, approval of their plans and reports;

Review and evaluation of reports on research and development work, grant and innovation projects;

Consideration of monographs prepared for publication;

Analysis of the interaction of the structural units of the scientific unit of the University in terms of ensuring the management and coordination of the educational, scientific and production process and making recommendations for improving the management of scientific activities at the university.

NTS work plan for the 2nd semester of the 2017-2018 academic year
upload date – 18.07.2021

NTS work plan for the 2nd semester of the 2017-2018 academic year

NTS plan for 2018-2019
upload date – 18.07.2021

NTS plan for 2018-2019

NTS plan for 2019-2020
upload date – 18.07.2021

NTS plan for 2019-2020

The composition of the NTS for 2021-22
upload date – 18.07.2021

The composition of the NTS for 2021-22

NTS Plan 2021
upload date – 16.07.2024

NTS Plan 2021

План НТС 2021-2022г
upload date – 16.07.2024

План НТС 2021-2022г

План НТС - 2023-2024
upload date – 16.07.2024

План НТС - 2023-2024

приказ состав НТС СМУ
upload date – 16.07.2024

приказ состав НТС СМУ