Development strategy

Strategic Development Plan
upload date – 09.03.2025

Development Program of JSC “Kazakh University of Technology and Business named after K.Kulazhanov” for 2024-2029.

upload date – 09.03.2025

Report on the implementation of the Strategic Development Plan of KazUTB named after K. Kulazhanov for 2023

upload date – 09.03.2025

Report on the implementation of the KazUTB Strategic Development Plan for 2022

University Quality Policy
Educational activities

Strategic goals:

achieving a high level of professional training of university graduates to ensure their competitiveness in the labor market;

strengthening the position and increasing the status of the University in the field of educational activities at the regional and national levels;

creation of a system of continuous, multi-level education (from preschool education and training to postgraduate education);

development of the system of training and retraining of personnel through the expansion of additional education programs;

development of the material and technical base to ensure effective educational and research activities;

expanding the use of information and distance learning technologies in education.

Strategic objectives:

updating and improving the content of various levels of general and vocational education;

improving the system of quality control and management of Education;

passing institutional and specialized national accreditation in recognized accreditation agencies;

active participation in national rankings of higher education institutions;

achieving the placement of a state order for training specialists in Bachelor's degree educational programs;

creation of a system of Personnel Support for the educational process, including through advanced training courses;

introduction of innovative approaches to training;

strengthening the role of independent work of students under the guidance of teachers, developing computer and distance learning technologies and monitoring students ' knowledge;

expanding the University's participation in the development of educational programs and projects at the regional and national levels;

creating a system for analyzing the needs of university graduates and educational programs, establishing long-term partnerships with public and private employers;

intensive development of information and library support for educational and scientific activities;

modernization and expansion of the material and technical base of the educational process.

Scientific activity

Strategic objectives:

maximum use of the research potential of the university in ensuring the educational process and the development of scientific activity;

creation of the Technopark "Alternative Technology";

commercialization of scientific and technical research;

expanding the range of applied scientific, scientific and technical research and development work in priority areas of science and technology development and critical technologies;

increasing the level of competitiveness and demand for the results of research work of teaching staff and university staff at the regional, national and international levels;

further development of the system of attracting university students to scientific and innovative activities. Achieve 10% student participation in research work by 2017;

development and implementation of a system for involving the entire scientific and pedagogical staff in the research activities of the university. To achieve 70% participation of all university teachers in research work by 2017;

increase in the amount of funding for scientific research of the university. To achieve an average annual volume of research funding of at least 160 million tenge by 2017.

activation of the development of a network of small innovative enterprises for the implementation of the results of intellectual activity, the exclusive rights to which belong to the university.


Strategic objectives:

to support existing and form new scientific schools and scientific and pedagogical collectives, whose activities are aimed at the development of fundamental scientific research;

to improve the system of training scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel through the institutes of master's and PhD doctoral studies, improving the quality control of writing dissertations;

create conditions for strengthening and developing fundamental scientific research using advanced technologies. Priority support of the humanitarian sector of university science. Expanding the range of applications within the framework of republican competitions and programs, especially educational, scientific and methodological directions;

expand the range of applied projects in order to develop unique scientific methods, create samples of new equipment, materials, organize their production, integrate university science into the economic and social space of the region;

to develop the concept and mechanisms of the university's innovation policy in the field of scientific activity for a full-fledged entry into the investment market of the production sector of the region's economy;

to support and develop forms of cooperation with research, industrial, design and other organizations and enterprises in order to jointly solve scientific and technical problems and introduce scientific developments into production;

to develop established forms of scientific cooperation with administrative and management structures of the region and regions of Kazakhstan;

to expand scientific, scientific-production and scientific-pedagogical cooperation with research institutes;

to develop a system of administrative management of scientific research to optimize the structure of research teams and scientific departments;

to create conditions for the realization of the scientific potential of students, to prepare the most talented students for teaching and scientific activities, as well as to create a system of moral and material incentives for gifted students;

create conditions for regulatory support and legal protection of scientific developments, protection of intellectual property and copyrights of employees.

Educational work with students and masters

Strategic objectives:

creating conditions for the full disclosure of students' spiritual aspirations, their creative abilities, for the formation of a civic position, socially significant values, civic and professional qualities, responsibility for decision-making;

the development of new social skills and roles by students, the development of a culture of social behavior taking into account the openness of society and the dynamics of social relations.


Strategic objectives:

to create a system of educational work that ensures the participation of students and teachers in the implementation of its strategic objectives;

create conditions for the formation of an educational environment based on the use of university traditions, increase the educational potential of training sessions, prevention of negative behaviors;

to promote the humanization of interpersonal relations between teachers and students;

conduct systematic monitoring of the state of educational work and the educational environment;

create conditions for self-expression and self-development of students and undergraduates in the socio-political, spiritual, sports spheres;

to promote effective socialization of students in the market sphere through the formation of responsibility for their own well-being and for the state of society, the development of basic social skills, practical skills in the field of economics and social relations.

Activities in the field of informatization

Strategic goals:

Introduction of modern technologies and appropriate mechanisms for their implementation that provide information support for all processes aimed at achieving a high quality of training of specialists, efficiency of the management system, improving the efficiency of scientific activities and the development of a single information and educational space of the University, the expansion of electronic scientific and educational content.

Raising the level of informatization of teaching staff and students on the use of new technologies in the educational process to the level of leading universities in Kazakhstan, near and far abroad.

Introduction of the concept of" advanced education " (including the fundamental development of education and the introduction of innovative methods), developing education (including humanistic orientation, flexible learning, the use of Creative Technologies) and open education using distance learning and telecommunications technologies.

Preparation of students and graduates for professional activities in the context of a new level of informatization of society, assistance to enterprises and organizations in solving problems of information ("digital") inequality.

Strategic objectives:

Expanding the availability and transparency of education, significantly improving the quality of training of specialists through the widespread use of electronic scientific and educational resources and distance learning technologies.

Increasing the labor productivity of the teaching staff, increasing the share of independent effective work of students.

Implementation of a system for monitoring the quality of distance learning, computer testing and training of specialists.

Improving the quality, efficiency and expanding the range of fundamental and applied scientific developments by introducing it at all stages of scientific research, organizing access to electronic versions of scientific publications, regulatory and methodological documents and reference books.

Creating an effective university management system, improving the efficiency and quality of management decision-making based on informatization of the main business processes, implementing an electronic document management and communication system.

Improving the management structure of the University

Strategic objectives:

optimization of competencies, differentiation of functions, powers and responsibilities of management structures at various levels and their adaptation to new economic conditions;

improvement of the system of management measures to improve the conditions for professional activity and social conditions of employees and students;

improving the efficiency of the university's management structures;

creating a positive image of the university for the realization of interests in all spheres of activity.


Strategic objectives:

improve regulatory and legal support of management activities;

optimize the distribution of functions when dividing the powers of management structures at different levels;

expand democratic principles of governance;

create an alumni association and expand ties with the media, etc.

Economic and financial activities

Strategic objectives:

ensuring the financial stability of the university;

development and use of multi-channel financing mechanisms of the university;

improving the mechanism for determining priorities in the allocation and use of financial resources;

improving the financial situation of employees and students.


Strategic objectives:

to develop the financial and economic mechanism in the departments of the university and to increase their financial independence and responsibility;

expand and effectively use the possibilities of budgetary and extra-budgetary sources of financing;

expand the list of educational services and services for the performance of research work, optimize the costs of their implementation;

develop mechanisms for differentiated financial support for employees and students;

to form investment projects with domestic and foreign partners for the development of the material base and the social sphere;

to develop and implement an effective regulatory framework for the financial activities of the university.

Social sphere and material base

Strategic goals in the social sphere:

further development of the social protection infrastructure for employees and students;

improving conditions for the health of employees and students;

expanding the range of measures to ensure the protection of the rights of employees and students.


Strategic objectives:

develop a system of priorities for social support of employees and students;

develop a housing policy and mechanisms for its implementation in relation to all categories of workers;

improve living conditions and law enforcement in the student dormitory;

develop measures to ensure that employees and students comply with occupational health and safety requirements.


Strategic objectives in the development of the material base:

improving the material and technical base of the university in order to bring it in line with the modern needs of the educational process and research work;

construction of a new student campus with an educational and laboratory building;

rational and multidisciplinary use of the material and technical base;

creation of educational and scientific laboratories.


Strategic objectives:

develop standards for the need for equipment and consumables to ensure the educational process and scientific research, taking into account the prospects for their development;

to develop principles for the formation of funds for the development of the material base of the university from budgetary and extra-budgetary sources.

International activities

Strategic objectives:

ensuring the recognition of the Kazakh University of Technology and Business in the Eurasian educational space;

increasing the number and efficiency of concluded international treaties and agreements;

attracting funds from international activities to the university budget;

development of cooperation with the world's leading universities and higher schools for joint educational activities under the "double degree" programs;

development of the "visiting professors" program with the world's leading universities, foreign representatives of business and government and an increase by 2020 in the number of persons invited to conduct lectures, seminars, trainings, case studies, master classes up to 50 people

. continuation of work on the implementation of the program of external academic mobility of students and bringing their number to 2020 – up to 200 people


Strategic objectives:

implement the achievements of foreign scientific schools and advanced scientific and methodological experience;

to promote student and faculty mobility in the light of the Bologna process, the creation of a Euro-Asian university space;

expand partnerships with foreign organizations and institutions in traditional areas, form new ties;

to create international research teams and consortia for joint research in the field of fundamental and applied problems;

to form a mechanism for the interaction of faculties and departments in international activities;

to continue the work on promoting the publications of the university's scientists in internationally recognized publications and to increase the number of publications in foreign publications indexed by foreign organizations to 20 units in 2017 and 50 units in 2020.

Economic activity

Strategic objectives:

development of the material and technical base and fixed assets in accordance with the changing needs of the university;

creating an atmosphere of interest and responsibility of employees and students in the preservation and efficient use of premises, equipment and materials;

ensuring the rational mode of operation of household equipment;

ensuring the regulatory regime of working conditions, training and accommodation of employees and students;


Strategic objectives:

to preserve and develop the material and technical base of the university in accordance with the changing needs of the educational process and scientific research.

optimize the system of financing the activities of economic management;

to improve the operating conditions of the existing equipment and equipment, economic areas and production facilities.