*Казахский университет технологии и бизнеса имени К.Кулажанова осуществляет набор студентов на 1 курс по следующим образовательным программам: 6В02101 Графический дизайн, 6В02102, 6В02103 Дизайн моды, 6В02104 Архитектурный дизайн, 6В04103 Учет и аудит, 6В04105 Менеджмент, 6В04107 Государственное и местное управление, 6В04108 Финансы, 6В04110 Экономика, 6В05112 Биотехнология , 6В05213 Экология, 6В06114 Информационные системы, 6В06115 IT-менеджмент, 6В07116 Автоматизация и управление, 6В07117 Химическая технология органических веществ, 6В07219 Технологические машины и оборудования, 6В07231 Горное дело: физико-химическая геотехнология, 6В07218 Горное дело: открытая и подземная разработка месторождений полезных ископаемых, 6В07220 Технология продовольственных продуктов (по отраслям), 6В07222 Нефтегазовое дело: разработка и эксплуатация нефтяных и газовых месторождений, 6В07223 Технология перерабатывающих производств (по отраслям), 6В07224 Технология и конструирование изделий легкой промышленности, 6В07525 Стандартизация и сертификация (по отраслям), 6В11126 Ресторанное дело и гостиничный бизнес, 6В11127 Туризм, 6В11128 IT – технологии в сфере сервиса, 6В11129 Международный туризм, 6В11230 Безопасность жизнедеятельности и защита окружающей среды. Действует двух дипломная система образования и магистратура. При университете функционирует колледж по 13 специальностям в сфере технологии и бизнеса. Для иногородних предоставляется новый корпус общежития. Телефоны: +7(7172) 57 88 15, +7 708 425 06 60, +7 701 602 53 53

Educational work

Department of Educational Work and Social Issues

1) Head of Educational Work and Social Issues – Alpyssov Yessenzhol

2) Specialist in Educational work and social issues – Smagulova Samal Boranovna

The main objectives of the department are:

improvement of activities in the field of educational and social work;

- implementation of the concept of education of university students;

- solving social issues arising in the student environment;

 The main tasks of the department include:

organization of educational work with students during academic and extracurricular time;

organization and holding of social events;

ensuring the successful adaptation of first-year students to the conditions of study at the university;

organization and control of students' accommodation in the hostel;

- strengthening international ties of students;

The main directions of the work of the HRISV Department are:

educational work in student groups;

civic and patriotic education;

support of youth initiatives, development of creativity and organization of youth leisure;

prevention of offenses among students, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, organization and conduct of activities aimed at preventing drug addiction, alcoholism and tobacco smoking;

- work with orphans and disabled students;

- working with student families;

- work with students in the dormitory.

Scientific and practical conferences, round tables, seminars, games, film lectures, contests of creative projects of students, actions together with activists and volunteers of the university are traditionally held in this direction.

Special attention in the work of the department is paid to the development of student self-government in the dormitory, for this purpose, a set of measures is being implemented: meetings with the hostel's assets, identification of the main problems, determination of the main directions of the nearest development, organization of sports tournaments, meeting with law enforcement officials, holding various contests, disco and thematic events.

upload date – 16.08.2021

Кодекс чести студента КазУТБ

upload date – 16.07.2024

"Қазақ технология және бизнес университеті" АҚ 2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған тәрбие жұмысы жөніндегі жоспары