*Казахский университет технологии и бизнеса имени К.Кулажанова осуществляет набор студентов на 1 курс по следующим образовательным программам: 6В02101 Графический дизайн, 6В02102, 6В02103 Дизайн моды, 6В02104 Архитектурный дизайн, 6В04103 Учет и аудит, 6В04105 Менеджмент, 6В04107 Государственное и местное управление, 6В04108 Финансы, 6В04110 Экономика, 6В05112 Биотехнология , 6В05213 Экология, 6В06114 Информационные системы, 6В06115 IT-менеджмент, 6В07116 Автоматизация и управление, 6В07117 Химическая технология органических веществ, 6В07219 Технологические машины и оборудования, 6В07231 Горное дело: физико-химическая геотехнология, 6В07218 Горное дело: открытая и подземная разработка месторождений полезных ископаемых, 6В07220 Технология продовольственных продуктов (по отраслям), 6В07222 Нефтегазовое дело: разработка и эксплуатация нефтяных и газовых месторождений, 6В07223 Технология перерабатывающих производств (по отраслям), 6В07224 Технология и конструирование изделий легкой промышленности, 6В07525 Стандартизация и сертификация (по отраслям), 6В11126 Ресторанное дело и гостиничный бизнес, 6В11127 Туризм, 6В11128 IT – технологии в сфере сервиса, 6В11129 Международный туризм, 6В11230 Безопасность жизнедеятельности и защита окружающей среды. Действует двух дипломная система образования и магистратура. При университете функционирует колледж по 13 специальностям в сфере технологии и бизнеса. Для иногородних предоставляется новый корпус общежития. Телефоны: +7(7172) 57 88 15, +7 708 425 06 60, +7 701 602 53 53

Academic Council

The academic council of jsc "K.Kulazhanov Kazakh university of technology and business" is one of the forms of collegial management of the university

The Academic Council is a consultative and advisory governing body of the university. Chairman of the Academic Council - President-Rector of the University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor BAIBEKOV SEIDIKASYM NIYAZBEKOVICH.

The activities of the Academic Council of the University are based on the principles of publicity and collective discussion of issues within its competence. The Academic Council is created by the order of the President-Rector of the University.

In its activities, the Academic Council is guided by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter of KazUTB, as well as the Model Rules for the Activities of the Academic Council of a higher educational institution (Order of the Acting Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 22, 2007, No. 574).

The Academic Council organizes its work on the basis of an approved plan developed for the corresponding academic year.

The Academic Council includes the President-Rector, vice-rectors, deans of faculties, heads of structural divisions, highly qualified specialists who have made a serious contribution to the development of the university in a particular field of knowledge at the national or international level, as well as students.

The Chairman of the Academic Council appoints the Deputy Chairman of the Academic Council. The Vice-Chairman of the Academic Council is appointed by the Vice-Rector, who acts as the Chairman during his absence. Other members of the Academic Council are elected at the general meeting of the University by secret ballot.

The plan of the Academic Council
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Academic Council Plan 2017-2018

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Academic Council Plan 2018-2019

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Academic Council Plan 2019-2020

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Academic Council Plan 2020-2021

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The work plan of the Academic Council for 2020-2021 (with amendments and additions for April-May-June)

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The Academic Council's work plan for the 2021-2022 academic year

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On amendments and additions to the Work Plan of the KazUTB Academic Council for the 2021-2022 academic year from 30.06.2021

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The Academic Council's work plan for the 2022-2023 academic year

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The Academic Council's work plan for the 2023-2024 academic year

Composition of the Academic Council
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Composition of the Academic Council of KazUTB on 01.09.2021

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Composition of the Scientific Council of KazUTB from 02/23/2022

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Composition of the Scientific Council of KazUTB from 29.03.2023

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Composition of the Scientific Council of KazUTB from 31.10.2023

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Composition of the Academic Council of KazUTB named after K.Kulazhanov from 29.02.2024.

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Composition of the Academic Council of KazUTB named after K.Kulazhanov from 29.04.2024.

Standard rules of University Activity
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Standard rules of the University 22.11.2007

Lists of approved applicants
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Kazbekov Duman Karibekovich

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Zhumabekova Gauhar Zhunusova

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Nurgaliev Nurken Uteuovich

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Omaralieva Aigul Makhmutovna

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Nurgalieva Almagul Shaymuratkyna

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Esyrkep Gulmira Esyrkepvna

Rules for awarding academic titles
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On introducing amendments and additions to the Rules for awarding academic titles of 16.01.2019

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On introducing amendments and additions to the Rules for awarding academic titles of 07.07.2021

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On introducing amendments and additions to the Rules for awarding academic titles of 09.01.2023

Applicants for academic titles