Student Service Center

Минимальный средний балл успеваемости (GPA) обучающегося АО «Казахский университет технологии и бизнеса им. К.Кулажанова» для перехода с курса на курс на 2023-2024 учебный год

КурсМинимальный средний балл успеваемости (GPA)
для студентов очной формы обучения (включая обучающихся с применением ДОТ)
перевод с 1 курса на 2 курс1,3
перевод со 2 курса на 3 курс1,5
перевод с 3 курса на 4 курс1,7
перевод с 4 курса на 5 курс
(по направлению «Искусство»)
для магистратуры научно-педагогического направления
перевод с 1 курса на 2 курс2,1

Student Service Center

The Student Service Center (hereinafter referred to as the CSC) is a structural subdivision of the Kazakh University of Technology and Business JSC (hereinafter referred to as KazUTB JSC), registers the entire history of the student's academic achievements, calculates his academic rating and provides high-quality and fast service to students

The main tasks of the SSC are

The functions of the SSC are

  1. Improving the functioning of the educational process
  2. Data entry of academic groups based on the results of the admissions committee, students (by forms of study, by languages of study, by study groups) by assigned contingent in the electronic database of AIS "Platonus"
  3. Organization of registration for academic disciplines and formation of individual learning trajectories. At the same time, advisors, heads of departments are attracted to carry out organizational and methodological work
  4. Organization within the framework of the educational process of the current, milestone, final control in accordance with the academic calendar of the university
  5. The organization of the summer semester to eliminate academic debt and academic differences in disciplines, the development of credits of working curricula
  6. Summing up the session and the summer semester
  7. Accounting of mastered credits of students during the entire period of study and for the entire period of study
  8. Calculation of GPA
  9. Maintaining the entire history of academic achievements of students at the university
  10. control over the movement of the contingent of full-time, distance learning students
  11. Introduction of approved orders on transfer, restoration and expulsion of students into the AIS "Platonus" program
  12. Preparation of documentation for graduation courses of all forms of education
  13. Organization and administration of the distance learning process
  14. Information support for distance learning participants
  15. Record keeping according to student orders, statistical accounting of documents formed in the activities of KazUTB JSC
  16. Acceptance and issuance of student files in accordance with the requirements established by the VAO "KazUTB" (availability of full tuition fees, a work-around sheet, etc.)
  17. Organization of sending students' personal files according to the request
  18. Preparation and transfer of documents in accordance with the established procedure for state storage in the storage of KazUTB JSC
  19. Issuance of GCVP certificates, transcripts, diploma supplements, diplomas, as well as duplicate diplomas and applications
  20. Providing information assistance to trainees
  21. High-quality and fast service of students on the principle of one window
  22. 5В072100- ХТОВ 4 курс
