
Events and Announcements
Current news and events of the University


Әлеуметтік гуманитарлық пән кафедрасының апталығы

03.03.2025 ж. сағат 1100-де Қ.Құлажанов атындағы Қазақ технология және бизнес университеті, әлеуметтік-гуманитарлық пәндер кафедрасының ұйымдастыруымен «Сен де бір кірпіш дүниеге...» тақырыбындағы апталықтың салтанатты ашылуы өтті.


Olympiad in Languages, History, and Sports at Kazakh University of Technology and Business

From February 17 to 21, the Olympiad of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines was organized at the Kazakh University of Technology and Business named after K.Kulaganov.


YanSubject Olympiad for students on educational programs 6V07220 - "Technology of food products (by industry)" and 6V07223 - "Technology of processing industries (by industry)"

On February 25, 2025, the 1st stage of the subject Olympiad among students was held at the Department of Technology and Standardization. 20 students took part.


Поздравляем с победой в конкурсе на грантовое финансирование исследований молодых ученых по проекту «Жас Ғалым» на 2025-2027 годы.

Битманов Ертас Жантасұлы – преподаватель кафедры «Химия, химическая технология и экология» АО «КазУТБ им. К. Кулажанова». Докторант, магистр естественных наук по образовательной программе «Охрана окружающей среды и рациональное использование природных ресурсов».


Subject Olympiad among students in the educational program 6B07525 – "Standardization and certification"

On February 24, 2025, the 1st stage of the subject Olympiad among students under the educational program 6B07525 - "Standardization and Certification" (by industry) was held at the Department of Technology and Standardization. 20 students took part.


Subject Olympiad among students in the educational program 6B05112 – "Biotechnology"

On February 27, 2025, the 1st stage of the subject Olympiad among students in the educational program 6B05112 – " Biotechnology "was held at the Department of Technology and standardization. 12 students took part in the Olympiad.


"Burkasan-2025": KazUTB Team Secures 2nd Place in Winter Football!

In Astana, on the Esil River, the traditional winter festival "Burkasan-2025" was a great success. This sports festival, which has been held for 24 years, has become an integral part of the capital's winter season.


Conducting practical classes on the subject "Excursion guidance"

On February 20, 2nd-year students of the educational program "6B11127 - Tourism" under the guidance of the senior lecturer of the Department of Tourism and Service Rustemova S. M. conducted an excursion along the main tourist routes of the capital. Practical classes are of great importance in teaching basic disciplines, during which students demonstrated the theoretical knowledge they had acquired in the discipline and presented their routes around the city of Astana.


We would like to congratulate our student, Ansar Beisov, on winning third place in boxing at the Republic of Kazakhstan Championship for men under 22 years old!

It is with great pleasure that we announce that Ansar Beisov, a student of our university majoring in Information Systems, group IS-214/3, took third place in the Republic of Kazakhstan Championship for men under 22 years old!


Winners of the International Student Project Competition

On January 22, 2025, the First International Online Competition of student projects


The "Best Barman" competition

The "Best Barman" competition was held on February 6, 2024, as part of the week of the Department of Tourism and Service.


Subject Olympiad and competition of students' research papers

Within the framework of the week of the Department of Tourism and Service, a subject Olympiad and a competition of students' research papers were successfully held in the groups of educational programs "Tourism" and " Restaurant and Hotel Business".


Opening of a branch of the Department" Tourism and service"

Within the framework of the week of the Department of «Tourism and Service» of the K. Kulazhanov Kazakh University of Technology and Business, a branch of the department was opened, an agreement on a dual educational program was signed with the state municipal government enterprise "Center for Tourism and Local History of Children and Youth" Akimat of Astana.


Opening of the specialized office "Tourism and Geography"

On February 4, within the framework of the "Week of the Department of Tourism and Service" of the Kazakh University of Technology and Business named after K.Kulazhanov, the cabinet of "Tourism and Geography" was opened. The opening ceremony was attended by Vice-rector of the Kazakh University of Technology and Business named after K.Kulazhanov Askarbekov E.B., representative of school No. 72, geography teacher Zhailaubaev E.N., Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Service Mustafaev K.S., faculty of the Department of Tourism and Service and students.


International round table

On February 3, 2025, the Department of «Tourism and Service» hosted an international round table on the topic: "Improving practice-oriented education in the field of tourism and the hospitality industry: the interaction of theory and practice."


On February 06, 2025, the competition" best bartender "will be held under the auspices of the Department of Tourism and service. Venue: Rixos President Hotel Astana

The present Regulations on the "BEST BARTENDER" competition (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) define the goals and objectives of the Competition, the place and timing of its holding, the composition of the participants in the competition, the requirements for the design of the materials of the participants in the Competition, and the procedure for selecting the winners of the Competition.


Competition Winner

A student of the educational program "International Tourism" Beisenbek Dana Erbolivna, participated in the international competition "Miss World Tourism - 2024", held in Shenzhen, China, from 12/27/2024 to 01/13/2025 on behalf of Kazakhstan and won 2nd place among 15 nominations and participants from 64 countries in the nomination "Miss Friendship" Congratulations!



Кафедра «Технология и стандартизация"от всей души поздравляет профессора Тыкежанову Гульмиру Менгалиевну с награждением Почетным дипломом "Отличник науки" от Министерства науки и высшего образования Республики Казахстан!


The victory of our team

The team of the club of the Department of Tourism and Service Kazutbtravelclub took the second place in The VII International Olympiad on technology and tactics of active types of tourism. The purpose of the Olympiad is to involve young people in the field of tourism activities and the development of professional competencies of students.


Открытое занятие Алпысбаевой Айнур Кунанбаевны

26 ноября 2024 года к.э.н., ассоциированный профессор кафедры «Финансы и учет» Алпысбаева Айнур Кунанбаевна провела открытое занятие по дисциплине «Финансы» на тему: «Финансовый рынок» для обучающихся второго курса, группы УиА 232, ФН 232, ЭК 232, ГМУ 232, УиА 242 (со), факультета «Экономика и сервис».


Участие Алпысбаевой Айнур Кунанбаены на форум «IV Школа Ректоров «Новые университеты в эру AI:HR vs AI»», где принимали участие Министр науки и высшего образования РК Нурбек Саясат и другие.

28-30 ноября 2024 года проходил форум «IV Школа Ректоров «Новые университеты в эру AI:HR vs AI»», где принимали участие Министр науки и высшего образования РК Нурбек Саясат, члены правительства и ректора и проректора вузов РК, а также представители Вузов и зарубежные гости и практики.


Career guidance work of teachers

On November 29, 2024, a meeting was held at Kayym Mukhamedkhanov Gymnasium No. 90 as part of career guidance work, which was attended by graduating classes, universities and colleges of Astana. Teachers of the Department of Tourism and Service Kurmankulova N.Zh. and Tazhen A.N. familiarized the participants with the educational programs of the department, such as «Tourism», "Restaurant business and hotel business", "International tourism", "Sports tourism and excursion and recreational activities".


Meeting with representatives of the University of Kuala Lumpur

On December 4, 2024, the Department of Tourism and Service held a meeting with representatives of the University of Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia.


Открытый урок: основы аудита и практический опыт работы

On November 29, 2024, at 12:00, 1st year undergraduate student of the Department of Finance and Accounting Rysbai Kanysh Zhalgasbekuly held an open lesson in the RDGB-223 group for 3rd year students of the OP "Restaurant business and Hotel business" on the topic: "Conceptual foundations of auditing". The graduate student is also a senior specialist in the audit company "Grant Thornton Kazakhstan" LLP


An OPEN LESSON on the discipline "Tax accounting" for students of the UiA-221 group

On November 20, 2024 at 10.00 PhD, Professor of the Department of Finance and Accounting Yusupov Ulagat Bolatovich held an open lesson in the UiA-221 group for 3rd year students of the Accounting and Auditing Department on the topic: "Accounting for special tax regimes and the procedure for filling out a tax return (f.910.00)".


Meeting with colleagues from Japan

On November 26, 2024, a meeting was held with representatives of Kitasato University (Japan): Kеizo Arihara – Professor, President of the Japanese Society of Science and Technology in the field of Food Technology; Issei Yokoyama – Assistant Professor.


Visit of delegations from China, India, Azerbaijan

In November 2024, meetings with delegation from the largest higher educational institutions of foreign countries were organized: Huanggang Polytechnic Institute (China); O.P.Jindal Global University (India); Azerbaijan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Baku).


International internship of teachers in China

As part of the Silk Road program, the teaching staff of our university is undergoing internships at two leading higher educational institutions in Chongqing, as well as at large industrial enterprises in China.


International academic mobility of students

3 students have been sent to study in foreign countries under the academic mobility program in the autumn semester of the 2024-2025 academic year.


Winner of the competition “Uzdik-2024”

We are proud of our talented students! At the prestigious competition ‘«Үздік-2024», held in Astana, the first year student of RDiGB-241so Aibek Ayubkhan, under the guidance of his mentor, a teacher of the Department of ‘Tourism and Service’ Zhanabay Aibek Amanbekuly, won the first place!


Состоялась гостевая лекция организованная кафедрой «Финансы и учет» с приглашенным гостем

12 ноября 2024 года состоялась гостевая лекция организованная кафедрой «Финансы и учет» с приглашенной гостьей. Азбаева Арайлым Манарбековна -Основатель компании «AST Group» член Ассоциации деловых женщин Республики Казахстан. Встреча прошла в формате круглого стола. Участниками данной встречи являлись студенты вторых-четвертых курсов ОП «Финансы», «Учет и аудит», а также магистранты.


Неделя кафедры «Финансы и учет», встреча со студентами колледжа КазУТБ

12 ноября 2024 года в рамках Недели кафедры «Финансы и учет», посвященной ко Дню национальной валюты и профессиональному празднику работников финансовой системы государства ППС кафедрой была организована экскурсия по университету со студентами 2 и 3 курсов колледжа КазУТБ, в ходе обучающиеся задавали интересующие вопросы и освоили много информации.


Неделя кафедры «Финансы и учет»

13 ноября 2024 года кафедра «Финансы и учет» провела мероприятие, приуроченное ко Дню национальной валюты и профессиональному празднику работников финансовой системы государства. В рамках программы мероприятия был организован круглый стол с участием Генерального директора АК ТОО «Центр аудита и оценки» Балтабаева Б.К. и Налогового консультанта РК, профессионального бухгалтера, члена Консультационного совета по совершенствованию налогового законодательства Бекболсыновой А.С. Мероприятие прошла познавательной и интересной, в ней приняли активное участие ППС кафедры и студенты 2 и 3 курсов.


V-юбилейная международная научно-практическая конференция

18 ноября 2024 года кафедра “Технология и стандартизация” организовала V-юбилейную международную научно - практическую конференцию с 26 школами-гимназиями...


Межкафедрально - интегрированное открытое занятие

14 ноября 2024г в 16.00 было проведено открытое интегрированное практическое занятие по дисциплинам «Философия» и «Профильдік дизайн нысандарын жобалау-III»...


Актуальные тенденции предпринимательства: лекция Азбаевой Арайлым

12 ноября 2024 года, в рамках проведения недели кафедры "Финансы и учет", приуроченной ко Дню национальной валюты Республики Казахстан и профессиональному празднику работников финансовой системы


Открытая лекция по учету кассовых и банковских операций

24.09.2024 года старший преподаватель кафедры «Финансы и учет» Рейдолда С. провела открытый лекционные занятия для обучающихся группы ЭК-221 по дисциплине «1С: Предприятие» на тему «Учет кассовых и банковских операций".


Итоги I Внутривузовского этапа конкурса на присвоение звания «Лучший преподаватель вуза - 2024»

Этап внутривузовского конкурса на присвоение звания «Лучший преподаватель вуза - 2024» года проходил с 1 по 11 ноября текущего года.


Педагогическая практика магистрантов по направлению 'Учет и аудит'

В 2024-2025 учебном году в соответствии с ОП 7М04137-«учет и аудит» магистранты 1 курса с 18.11.2024 г. по 29.112024 г. проходят педагогическую практику на кафедре «Финансы и учет» Казту им. К. Кулажанова.


Congratulations on the award of the academic title of associate Professor (associate professor) to A.A.

By order of the Chairman of the Committee for Quality Assurance in the field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 1023 dated 08.11.2024...