*Казахский университет технологии и бизнеса имени К.Кулажанова осуществляет набор студентов на 1 курс по следующим образовательным программам: 6В02101 Графический дизайн, 6В02102, 6В02103 Дизайн моды, 6В02104 Архитектурный дизайн, 6В04103 Учет и аудит, 6В04105 Менеджмент, 6В04107 Государственное и местное управление, 6В04108 Финансы, 6В04110 Экономика, 6В05112 Биотехнология , 6В05213 Экология, 6В06114 Информационные системы, 6В06115 IT-менеджмент, 6В07116 Автоматизация и управление, 6В07117 Химическая технология органических веществ, 6В07219 Технологические машины и оборудования, 6В07231 Горное дело: физико-химическая геотехнология, 6В07218 Горное дело: открытая и подземная разработка месторождений полезных ископаемых, 6В07220 Технология продовольственных продуктов (по отраслям), 6В07222 Нефтегазовое дело: разработка и эксплуатация нефтяных и газовых месторождений, 6В07223 Технология перерабатывающих производств (по отраслям), 6В07224 Технология и конструирование изделий легкой промышленности, 6В07525 Стандартизация и сертификация (по отраслям), 6В11126 Ресторанное дело и гостиничный бизнес, 6В11127 Туризм, 6В11128 IT – технологии в сфере сервиса, 6В11129 Международный туризм, 6В11230 Безопасность жизнедеятельности и защита окружающей среды. Действует двух дипломная система образования и магистратура. При университете функционирует колледж по 13 специальностям в сфере технологии и бизнеса. Для иногородних предоставляется новый корпус общежития. Телефоны: +7(7172) 57 88 15, +7 708 425 06 60, +7 701 602 53 53

Department of "Tourism and Service"

Head of the Department

Zhunussova Aliya Anarkhanovna

Head of the Department, PhD


8 701 250 31 76





About the department

The Department of Tourism and Service is a structural subdivision of the Faculty of Economics and Service KazUTB, which trains highly qualified managers who are able to solve business problems and tasks taking into account current trends in the development of the national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, hoteliers and restaurateurs who are well-versed in the hotel and restaurant business, can organize corporate receptions and holidays at a high level in the style of fashionable receptions, business breakfasts, cocktails or open your own cafe, hotel or pizzeria, specialists in the field of tourism, which can create attractive tourist routes and products, offer high-quality services, providing world-class service.

Achievements of the Department of Tourism and Service:

International and (or) national specialized accreditation has been completed in 5 years; Participation in the rating of the educational program of NCE "Atameken" (2nd place); 3rd place in the Republican Student Olympiad in technology and tactics of active types of tourism; 3rd place in the Restaurand and Hotel Business subject Olympiad.

Educational and methodical work of the department:

At the department, educational and methodological work has been set at a high level, in particular, teaching staff of the department publish educational and methodological works and developments, meetings of four methodological sections are held. Teachers of the department are constantly involved in improving their qualifications, both at the Kazakh and foreign levels.

The department trains students in 5 educational programs and bachelor's degree specialties both full-time and with the use of distance learning technologies. The teaching staff is also trained in 2 educational programs. Theoretical and practical training of students and undergraduates in the learning process is focused on the modern needs of employers.

Bachelor course

6B11126 - "Restaurant business and hotel business"

Profile subjects: geography, foreign language

Degree awarded: Bachelor in the field of services in the educational

program "Restaurant business and hotel business", "IT technologies in the field of service"

Currently, the educational program "Restaurant business and hotel complex" is one of the most popular specialties in the restaurant and hotel sector.

The hospitality industry is the most dynamically developing and highly profitable branch of the economy. Hotel and restaurant chains are growing, new establishments are opening, and professional personnel are needed for their successful functioning.


The sphere of professional activity of a graduate of an educational program is:

  • public administration bodies related to the organization of the hotel business (ministries, akimats, their regional divisions and structures);
  • public and private companies engaged in the restaurant and hotel business;
  • service sector, enterprises related to catering (restaurants, hotels and other structures);
  • property, property complexes (enterprises, institutions, organizations) and other objects of the hotel industry;
  • research organizations that study the problems of nutrition development, marketing in food organizations;
  • educational institutions that train middle-level specialists in hotel management;
  • advertising agencies engaged in the promotion of services in the restaurant and hotel business to the domestic and foreign markets;
  • information resources and systems, means of providing automated information systems and their technologies

A specialist in the restaurant and hotel business is engaged in:

  • organization of the work of hotel and restaurant services;
  • business planning and budgeting;
  • defines the advertising, marketing and pricing policy of the enterprises of the hotel and restaurant sector;
  • management and recruitment;
  • conducts market analysis;
  • coordinates work with suppliers

5 advantages of learning:

  • Managerial position. Experience in management, later, can be useful in any other job, in any field of business
  • Demand in the labor market
  • High wages
  • The prestige of the specialty and rapid career growth
  • The opportunity to open your own business in the hospitality industry

План развития ОП 6В11126 РДГБ на 2021.pdf

6B11127 - "Tourism"

Profile subjects: geography, foreign language

Degree awarded: Bachelor in the field of services in the educational

program "Tourism" and "International Tourism".

The profession of the tourism service sector has been among the most sought-after professions on the labor market for many years. Their demand is increasing every year, because this is primarily due to the fact that people have more opportunities to travel.

The tourism industry is considered one of the fastest growing and promising. And this means that a person who has chosen tourism as his profession will never disappear anywhere.


The sphere of professional activity of a graduate of an educational program is:

  • formation, promotion and sale of a tourist product;
  • organization of comprehensive tourist services in the main sectors of the tourism industry

5 advantages of learning:

  • They are always in demand in the labor market
  • The opportunity to see the world
  • High salary level
  • The prestige of the specialty and the possibility of career growth
  • High professional qualities, wide scope of application of specialists

Place of employment:

  • state governing bodies (ministries, departments,
  • agencies and akimats);
  • tourism and hospitality industry;
  • science, education and other spheres of human activity
  • related to tourism

The work of a graduate of the "Tourism" and "International Tourism" directions is connected with consulting clients and selling company services, monitoring the market of tourist services and companies engaged in passenger transportation, interaction with insurance companies and passport and visa services.

Travel companies and associations of tour operators are the main employers of tourism managers.

План развития ОП 6В11127 Туризм 2021.pdf

6B11128 - "IT technologies in the service sector"

Profile subjects: geography, foreign language

Degree awarded: Bachelor in the field of

IT technologies in the service sector are guided by modern information technologies used at enterprises of the hospitality and tourism industry

The sphere of professional activity of a graduate of an educational program is:

  • formation, promotion and sale of a tourist product;
  • organization of comprehensive tourist services in the main sectors of the tourism industry

5 advantages of learning:

  • They are always in demand in the labor market
  • The opportunity to see the world
  • High salary level
  • The prestige of the specialty and the possibility of career growth
  • High professional qualities, wide scope of application of specialists

Place of employment:

  • state governing bodies (ministries, departments,
  • agencies and akimats);
  • tourism and hospitality industry;
  • science, education and other spheres of human activity
  • related to tourism

The work of a graduate of the "Tourism" and "International Tourism" directions is connected with consulting clients and selling company services, monitoring the market of tourist services and companies engaged in passenger transportation, interaction with insurance companies and passport and visa services.

Travel companies and associations of tour operators are the main employers of tourism managers.

КЭД 22 -IT 22 15.12.21 (1).pdf

ОП IT тех в СС (1).pdf

План мероприятий по развитию культуры обеспечения качества образовательных программ 6В11128.jpeg

План развития ОП ІТ тех.сервис.pdf

6B11129 - "International tourism

Profile subjects: geography, foreign language

Degree awarded: Bachelor in the field of services in the educational program "Tourism" and "International Tourism".

International tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors of the world economy, one of the most profitable types of business, attracting large investments, providing growing employment and income, including to the state budgets of countries.

The field of professional activity of graduates includes the development and implementation of tourist products with qualities that meet the requirements of consumers, the organization of comprehensive tourist services in the main sectors of the tourism industry, the design of tourist and recreational areas and complexes, and their management.

The objects of professional activity of the graduate of the educational program 6B11129 "International tourism" are consumers (individual or corporate clients) and their needs; tourist product; technological processes of providing tourist services; accommodation facilities, catering facilities, objects of excursion activities, sports and recreation services, means of transport, tourism industry enterprises and other objects related to the development of and the implementation of a tourist product; information resources, systems and means of providing automated information systems and technologies for tourism activities.

Employment options

  • developer and head of the tourism business;
  • travel product developer;
  • employee of the Tourism Committee;
  • travel agent (inbound, outbound, domestic);
  • travel agency manager;
  • agent, office administrator;
  • assistant for the formation of excursion (tourist) groups;
  • specialist in order processing and other professions (qualifications) at the discretion of the educational organization

 The purpose of the OP: Training of highly qualified specialists with innovative thinking, possessing advanced technologies in the modern tourism industry, able to integrate into the conditions of the global tourism business

План развития ОП 6В11129 Международный туризм 2021.pdf

КЭД Международный туризм 2021.pdf

План развития ОП МежТур.pdf

План мероприятий по развитию культуры обеспечения качества образовательных программ 6В11128.jpeg

Material and technical equipment

The study room Buffet hall was created for the purpose of students' practice according to the educational program; Restaurant business and hotel business and IT technologies in the field of service in the organization and holding of receptions. To acquire the necessary knowledge about the rules of the buffet organization, - observance of etiquette at the buffet, preparation of dishes and their decoration; to give the concept of a buffet banquet; to study the organization of the banquet and table setting, to get acquainted with new service technologies.

The study room is a hotel room; The study room is a standard hotel room equipped with furniture and equipment required for rooms of this category. Students get acquainted with equipment in practice, apply harvesting methods, study equipment and labor tools, acquire professional skills in a short time.

The study room is equipped with tourist equipment: sleeping bags, mattresses, karemats, bags, backpacks, tents, tables, chairs, folding beds and other tourist accessories.

Study room Bar business

Students in practice get acquainted with the forms and methods of service; types of bar utensils, inventory, equipment; drawing up and registration of a bar card; organization and technique of customer service in bars of various types and classes; rules for processing payments for services; personnel requirements; labor organization.

Профессорско-преподавательский состав


 АО "Казахский университет технологии и бизнеса имени К.Кулажанова"           
Штатная численность ППС на 2023-2024 учебный год

Ф.И.О. Ученая/академическая  степень, звание Должность 
 Кафедра "Туризм и сервис"      -1 лаборант                                                                   
1 Жунусова Алия Анархановна доктор по профилю (PhD) заведующий кафедрой (асс.проф)
2 Бисеков Алькен Толеувич д.э.н. ассоц.профессор (доцент)
3 Дугалова Гульнар Даулетбаевна д.э.н. профессор
4 Джангельдина Дарига Изтургановна к.п.н.,доцент ассоц.профессор (доцент)
5 Ярдякова Ирина Владимировна доктор философии (PhD) ассоц.профессор (доцент) 
6 Рей Инна Юрьевна доктор философии (PhD) ассоц.профессор (доцент)  
7 Мустафаев Канат Сеиткамалович к.э.н. ассоц.профессор (доцент)
8 Омаркожаева Асем Нурбергеновна к.э.н.,доцент ассоц.профессор (доцент)
9 Афанасьев Олег Евгеньевич к.г.н. ассоц.профессор (доцент)
10 Бактымбет Сауле Сериковна к.э.н.,доцент ассоц.профессор (доцент)
11 Флерко Татьяна Григорьевна к.г.н. ассоц.профессор (доцент)
12 Есилов Асылхан Бурамбекович доктор философии (PhD) ассоц.профессор (доцент) 
13 Курманкулова Нуржамал Жумагазовна к.э.н., асс.проф (доцент) ассоц.профессор (доцент)
14 Каркинбаева Шолпан Искаковна магистр  старший преподаватель
15 Ахметова Галия Базархановна магистр  старший преподаватель
16 Канатова Сауле Канатовна магистр  старший преподаватель
17 Нурмадиева Гульнара Даулетбаевна магистр ст.преподаватель
18 Муканова Балжан Шамеровна магистр  старший преподаватель
19 Абеуханова Еркежан Бахытбековна магистр  старший преподаватель
20 Бакербекова Анар Толеубековна магистр  старший преподаватель
21 Егинбаева Алтынгуль Бахытчановна магистр  старший преподаватель
22 Омарова Кенжегуль Акмышевна магистр старший преподаватель 
23 Рустемова Сабира Муратовна магистр старший преподаватель 
24 Кусаинова Айнур Куанбаевна магистр старший преподаватель 
25 Рахметова Сандуғаш Рахметқызы магистр преподаватель 
26 Дюсекова Динара Амангельдиновна (совм) магистр  старший преподаватель (РД)
28 Сайын Жазира (совм) PhD ассоциированный профессор
29 Жаксылыкова Сауле Умиртаевна(совм) работодатель старший преподаватель 
30 Терджан Нурфер (совм) доктор философии (PhD)  старший преподаватель
31 Рахимбеков Бекзат Кудайбергенович (совм) магистр старший преподаватель 
32 Терджан Тансель (совм) доктор философии (PhD) асс.профессор
33 Султанова Асель Кожабердиевна (совм) магистр старший преподаватель 
34 Нукешев Амир Утегенович (совм)
старший преподаватель 

Scientific activity

Teaching staff of the department actively use modern information technologies and carry out research work related to priority areas of industrial and innovative development of the economy of Kazakhstan. The results of scientific research of teaching staff are introduced into production and the educational process. On the basis of these works, author's courses are developed and the contents of lecture courses, practical and seminar classes are built, theses and master's theses are carried out.

The international scientific publications Thomson Reuters and Scopus have published scientific papers of the leading teaching staff of the department.

The department pays considerable attention to the practical training of students: the application of the acquired knowledge at the advanced enterprises of the hospitality industry. For this purpose, the bases of practice have been identified: national companies and leading large enterprises, such as: Akmolaturist JSC, Rixos Hotel, Sayat Travel Company, Association of Tour Operators of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Masters of Tourism LLP, Turistik Kamkor CF, Otau Service LLP.

Agreements and cooperation agreements have been signed with various international companies: The Academy of Tourism in Antalya, the Academy of Image Studies, Triumph SAT group trevel LLP, etc. In these organizations, students receive organizational and managerial, organizational and technological, economic skills, as well as undergo practical training, prepare term papers and theses.

From 2018 to the present – Head of the Department "Technology and Standardization" of the Kazakh University of Technology and Business. He has diplomas, letters of thanks from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and universities, author of about 70 scientific papers, analytical reviews, electronic textbook, patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, textbooksSince 2022, an agreement on partnership, cooperation and mutual assistance has been signed between the LLP "Certification Center of the Hospitality Industry" and the Kazakh University of Technology and Business No. 4 dated 02/14/2022 and students in the educational programs "RDGB", "Tourism" will undergo professional certification.

Отчет кафедры Туризм и сервис научно-исследовательская работа студентов

№ приложения Мероприятие Ф.И.О. студента (-ов)/ название команды Ф.И.О. руководителя Место проведения Дата Место
1 ХVI републикалық пәндiк олимпиада Кыргызбаева А. Мукажанова Б.Ж. Карагандинский университет им.Е.А.Бокетова 16.05.2024 2 место
2 ХVI републикалық пәндiк олимпиада Кыргызбаева А. Мукажанова Б.Ж. Карагандинский университет им.Е.А.Бокетова 16.05.2024 3 место
3 VIII Международный конкурс 24/7 среди студентов ОП «РДГБ» и  «Туризм» Кыргызбаева А., Ханатбекова А., Амангельдинов М. Ахметова Г.Б. AlmaU 17.04.2024 Сертификат участия
4 Республиканская научно-практическая конференция по Туризму Касимова Сабина Омарова К.А. Конкурсы конференции олимпиады 14.03.2024 г. 1 место
5 Белсендi туризм техникасы мен тактикасы бойынша VI Халықаралық олимпиада Kazutbtravelclub Жунусова А.А., Рахимбеков Б.К. Национальный университет им.Гумилева Л.Н. 07.12.2023 1 место
6 II Республиканская онлайн-олимпиада, приуроченная Всемирному Дню туризма Фахуднинова А., Аймагамбет А.,

Курумбаева К.
Омаркожаева А.Н. Казахстанско-Американский свободный университет 01.11.2023 Диплом участия
7 VII Международный конкурс «Гостеприимство и Туризм без границ» Мадиева Л.С.

Турарова К.М.

Манап М.Б.
Омаркожаева А.А. AlmaU 16.04.2023 Диплом участия
8 Белсендi туризм техникасы мен тактикасы бойынша V Халықаралық олимпиада Мухамедрахимов А. Женисбек Ж., Турарова К., Айдарбеков Ш., Жоламан Р. Жунусова А.А., Мадышева А.М. Национальный университет им.Гумилева Л.Н. 09.12.2022 3 место
9 ХIV републикалық пәндiк олимпиада Алиева Аружан

Адбурасылова Айжан

Султанова Адина
Бакербекова А.Т. Алматинский технологический университет 15.04.2022 г. 2 место
10 II международный конкурс «Мастера кондитерского искусства» Жумагазы Куралай
Китай Июнь, 2022 1 место
11 World Skills NUR-Sultan 2022 Жумагазы Куралай
Нур-Султан 2022 1 место

Outstanding graduates of the department

Over the years of its activity, the department has graduated more than 1,000 specialists-managers, service sector specialists, most of whom work in senior positions of enterprises, organizations, hotel and restaurant business, in travel companies, airline agencies, tourist and hotel complexes, sanatorium-resort institutions, firms of Kazakhstan and foreign countries.

Branches of the department "Tourism and Service".

On February 29, 2016, a solemn opening of a branch of the department for all specialties took place in JSC Akmolaturist of the Department of Tourism and Service and students. After signing the contract, a tour of the hotel complex was conducted.

On January 12, 2018, the second branch of the department was opened on the basis of Rixos President Hotel Astana.

The opening of a branch of the department is an important form of cooperation between the university and the enterprise. Joint work within the framework of training future specialists will be successful and effective. Students will get a good practical experience in the branch of the department.

The branches of the department are a subdivision of the Department of "Tourism and Service" of the Faculty of "Economics and Service", uniting the teachers of the department and employees of JSC "Akmolaturist" and Rixos President Hotel Astana providing joint educational, methodological, organizational and methodological and research work.

Students undergo practical training in "Sayat-Travel" LLP, "Akmolaturist" JSC according to the curriculum and schedule of classes.

International activity of the department.

The department annually invites visiting professors from leading universities in Europe, China and Russia to give lectures to students, undergraduates of the department. In different years, lectures and classes were given by professors: S.K. Ovcharova (Varna Free University named after Ch.Khrabra, Bulgaria), Y.Grotte (Budapest Metropolitan University, Hungary), E. Kudys (Xinjiang State University, China). Hitzman Harald (Germany), O. Prokopeno (Poland), etc. Much attention is paid to international cooperation. The University cooperates with many higher educational institutions of the world: Russia, Great Britain, Italy, Germany, Hungary, Greece, Turkey, South Korea and others. Within the framework of cooperation, 20 students (Turkey, Italy, South Korea, Poland, Latvia) have completed international practice and academic mobility in foreign countries over the past 3 years. For personal qualities and responsibility to work, one student who studied under the educational program "Restaurant business and hotel business" was invited to permanent work in Turkey in 2020.

Strategic partners are: KIK RUK G.Kazan, Moscow University named after S.Yu. Witte G.Moscow, Omsk Regional Institute and Omsk State University named after F.M.Dostaevsky (Russia), Antalya Tourism Academy (Turkey).