*K.Kulazhanov Kazakh University of Technology and Business enrolls students for the 1st year in the following educational programs: 6B02101 Graphic Design, 6B02102, 6B02103 Fashion Design, 6B02104 Architectural Design, 6B04103 Accounting and Auditing, 6B04105 Management, 6B04107 State and Local Government, 6B04108 Finance, 6B04110 Economics, 6B05112 Biotechnology, 6B05213 Ecology, 6B06114 Information Systems, 6B06115 IT Management, 6B07116 Automation and Control, 6B07117 Chemical Technology of Organic substances, 6B07219 Technological machines and equipment, 6B07231 Mining: physico-chemical geotechnology, 6B07218 Mining: open and underground mining of mineral deposits, 6B07220 Technology of food products (by industry), 6B07222 Oil and gas business: development and operation of oil and gas fields, 6B07223 Technology of processing industries (by industry), 6B07224 Technology and design of light industry products, 6B07525 Standardization and certification (by industry), 6B11126 Catering and Hospitality, 6B11127 Tourism, 6B11128 IT – technologies in the field of service, 6B11129 International tourism, 6B11230 Life safety and environmental protection. There is a two-degree education system and a master's degree program. The university has a college with 13 specialties in the field of technology and business. A new dormitory building is provided for nonresidents. Phone numbers: +7(7172) 57 88 15, +7 708 425 06 60, +7 701 602 53 53

Information resources

Licensed access

Republican Interuniversity Electronic Library rmebrk.kz - corporate electronic catalog of full-text educational resources of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The IIB assists participants in providing access to 175 resources in the library collections of generally recognized foreign universities and publishing houses.

Astana Branch of the Republican Scientific and Technical Library;https://astana.rntb.kz – our library has been cooperating with her since 2007, annually signing a contract for information and bibliographic services. This library has a collection of about 2,000,000 books and a reading room with 40 seats.

Polpred.com Media overview polpred.com- full-text business publications of news agencies and the press by industry. In the category: 53 industries / 600 sources / 8 federal districts of the Russian Federation / 235 countries and territories / main materials / articles and interviews of 19,000 top officials. Thousands of news daily, full text in Russian. Millions of stories of news agencies and business press for 20 years. Polpred.com it is open from all computers of the library and the internal network. The "Access from home" button in the polpred header.

Открытый доступ

«Literary portal» http://adebiportal.kz/ - The literary portal is a unique online resource of works by Kazakhstani and foreign authors, both of the past centuries and of the present, available in Kazakh, Russian, English and Turkish.

 «History of Kazakhstan» http://e-history.kz/kz on the portal you will find scientific articles and publications, monographs and collective publications, dissertation research on the history, archeology and ethnography of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Reference information and educational portal "History of Kazakhstan" (e-history.kz) is based on the latest developments. A separate page and a number of headings have been created on the portal for each historical period. Anyone who is interested in how the history of Kazakhstan began can become a reader of rare publications, moreover, can post their own materials. Each user can choose any of the proposed sections at will: "Electronic journal"e-history.kz" publications of monographs, dissertations, abstracts, collections of scientific articles on history, archeology and ethnography; "UNT issues"; "Interactive map— electronic guide to sacred places and sights of our country.

«Cultural heritage» http://www.madenimura.kz/ - «Madeni Mura is an information resource about the cultural heritage of Kazakhstan, which will introduce you to the richest heritage and achievements of the centuries-old spiritual and material culture of our country, with state projects for its preservation.

SpringerLink https://www.springeropen.com – it is a valuable information resource for researchers, scientists, teachers, students, representatives of business structures and scientific organizations for whom access to knowledge is a prerequisite for successful activity.

- Periodicals

newspaper & laquo; Egemen Kazakhstan»


« Aikin» Republican socio-political newspaper


« native language» Nation newspaper


International newspaper« Turkestan & raquo;


«Alash mirror & raquo; Republican socio - political information newspaper


« the Steppe and the city» newspaper


Republican socio-political newspaper "Astana akshamy"


is a free online dating site that can provide you with amazing experiences by helping you reach out to new people in your local area.


«young Kazakh & raquo; newspaper


Republican socio-political weekly newspaper "Kazakh uni"


religious and educational newspaper of Muslims of Kazakhstan« Islam and civilization & raquo;


newspaper« Kazakhstan-zaman & raquo;


« people's word» people's newspaper


« economy» Republican weekly newspaper


Republican newspaper & laquo; young Alash»


« law» newspaper


«Legal» newspaper


Republican newspaper "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda"


Express-K Daily Newspaper


Newspaper "New Generation"


Newspaper "Izvestia Kazakhstan"


Newspaper "Evening Almaty";


Republican business weekly "Kursiv"


Kazakhstan Republican newspaper "Our World"


Republican daily newspaper "Liter"


«Turan» Republican weekly newspaper


Newspaper "Delovoy Kazakhstan"


Socio-political weekly Central Asia Monitor


Business Weekly «Business and Power»


Information and educational magazine "It-life"


« Man Of Legend» Republican magazine


«scream & raquo; magazine


"Bayterek" is a republican socio-political magazine


"Forbes Kazakhstan" business magazine


Asia Center - analytical journal


Chemical Journal of Kazakhstan


The magazine "Oil and gas of Kazakhstan";


Mining Magazine of Kazakhstan


Literary newspaper of Kazakhstan


«Sarbaz» gazeti


upload date – 17.08.2021

Инструкция по использованию информационных ресурсов РМЭБ, АТУ

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upload date – 24.01.2025

РНТБ договор, наука №007 — 2025 год

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РМЭБ-договор №39

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РНТБ договор №005 — 2025 год

upload date – 30.01.2025

Справочник-путеводитель студента по информационным источникам

Приложение 2
Приложение 8