Department of Accounting and Finance

Head of the Department

Мукушев Абзал Базарбекович

Зав кафедрой (ассоц. профессор) и. о профессора


8(7172) 72-58-15

вн. Тел




About the department

Кафедра Финансы и учёт была образована в августе 2024 года, что было обусловлено происходящими переменами, связанными с переходом на рыночные отношения и острой потребностью в кадрах экономического профиля. Деятельность кафедры подтверждает стремление и способность к интеграции в мировое образовательное пространство, когда качество обучения превращается в важнейший фактор конкурентоспособности вуза и его выпускников и реализуется через планы учебно-методической, научно-исследовательской и воспитательной работы.

The educational and methodological work of the department is aimed at providing the educational process with educational and methodological documentation, improving the pedagogical skills of teachers, improving the classroom and independent work of students, improving all forms, types and methods of educational work, taking into account the needs of enterprises, organizations and institutions for which the university trains specialists.

The mission of the department:

Instilling in students knowledge and the formation of competencies, skills of independent work, scientific research, responsibility for their choice, an active life position, as well as the ability to think strategically and creatively, make rational management decisions in the field of economics, finance, accounting and auditing, public administration in modern market conditions.

The purpose of the department:

Full and high-quality professional education in the field of finance, accounting and auditing, training of highly qualified specialists for various sectors of the economy.

The main tasks of the department:

  • achievement of leading positions in practice-oriented training of highly qualified specialists in the educational programs of the department;
  • ensuring a competitive advantage by becoming a leading department for personnel training based on a high level of education quality;
  • maintaining an adaptive and reliable educational system in the region.

Bachelor course

6B04103 - " Accounting and Аudit"

Profile subjects: Mathematics, Geography

Awarded degree: Bachelor of business and management in the educational program "6b04104 - accounting and audit"

The advantages of this educational program are a wide selection of employment places, high-paying, stable work, good opportunities for career growth.

The advantages of this educational program are a wide selection of employment places, high-paying, stable work, good opportunities for career growth. Employers need candidates with good education and accounting skills and a deep knowledge of the business.

This educational program is developed for the comprehensive training of accounting and audit specialists for professional activities in all sectors of the national economy and economic entities of all organizational and legal forms, regardless of the form of ownership and type of financing


Field of professional activity of a graduate of the educational program:

  • commercial and budgetary enterprises in all sectors of industry;
  • transport, construction, trade organizations;
  • consulting and audit companies;
  • tax authorities;
  • law enforcement agencies;
  • educational institutions.

Accounting and audit specialist engaged:

  • collection of accounting and statistical information, processing of data and preparing it for use by managers when making managerial decisions by investors, creditors, external and internal users;
  • analyze and evaluate alternative pricing solutions, production methods, and investments;
  • management and control of the activities of enterprises in general;
  • verification of compliance of accounting with legislative and regulatory acts, as well as the provision of consulting services (audit and consulting services);
  • Maintain accounting records and prepare financial statements in accordance with IFRS;
  • preparation of consolidated financial statements;
  • preparation of tax reports and filling out tax returns;
  • Restoration and transfer of accounting records in accordance with IFRS;
  • development of regulatory acts regulating accounting (regulatory and methodological activities)

5 advantages of the ЕР:

1. an accounting manager who forms accounting policies, organizes accounting and audit, performs economic analysis of financial flows, etc.

2 one of the most demanded professions in the field of Economics and finance

3 the profession of an accountant is in demand both in Kazakhstan and abroad

4 high percentage of employment

5 after receiving education, he will be able to work as a financial director, Tax Inspector, forensic accounting expert, insurer, etc.

6B04108 – "Finance"

Educational program "Finance"

Profile subjects: mathematics, geography

Degree awarded: Bachelor of Economics and Business in the educational program "6B04103-Finance"

The financial market is one of the most dynamically developing sectors of the economy. The high growth rates of the financial market have led to the emergence of new financial institutions that need highly qualified specialists with both theoretical knowledge in the field of finance and practical skills in the financial market.


The sphere of professional activity of a graduate of an educational program is:

  • state bodies of the republican and territorial level:
  • Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
  • Ministry of Economy and Budget Planning of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
  • National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
  • Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Supervision of the Financial Market and Financial Organizations,
  • economic services of ministries and departments,
  • banks, stock exchanges, budget organizations, investment funds,
  • business entities of various organizational and legal forms,
  • economic courts,
  • Agency for Combating Economic and Corruption Crimes (Financial Police),
  • as well as research organizations.

A finance specialist is engaged in:

  • collecting reporting and statistical information, processing data and preparing it for use by managers for making managerial decisions, investors, creditors, external and internal users;
  • analysis and evaluation of alternative solutions for financing, lending, borrowing, pricing, investment, production methods;
  • management and control over the financial and financial and economic activities of enterprises and institutions of the public and private sectors of the economy as a whole;
  • verification of compliance of the organization and management of financial and credit relations with legislative and regulatory acts, as well as the provision of consulting services;
  • development of regulatory acts regulating financial relations between economic agents.

5 advantages of the profession Financier 

1. Has in-depth knowledge from several areas at once: from mathematical models of effective investment to financial management.

2. The financier is engaged in monetary transactions, manages capital, regulates the financing of projects.

3. A specialist in finance is needed by state institutions, commercial and non-profit companies, individual entrepreneurs and even individuals.

4. The possibility of employment in a large number of organizations.

5. Career prospects.

Master's degree

7М04139 – "Accounting and audit" (profile)
7М04137– "Accounting and audit" (scientific and pedagogical direction)
Documents of the department

Material and technical equipment

На кафедре «Финансы и учёт» для студентов функционирует специализированный кабинет «1С Бухгалтерия» с полным оснащением компьютерами и программным обеспечением «1С Бухгалтерия 8.3» на 10 рабочих мест. В данном кабинете студенты обучаются по программе 1С Бухгалтерия и выполняют все операции учета на предприятии, официальным дистрибьютером которого является фирма 1С Батыр. Благодаря данному сотрудничеству наши студенты имеют возможность пройти аттестацию «1С Профессионал» и бесплатно получить сертификат, который востребован при трудоустройстве, а также при прохождении производственной и преддипломной практик..

Teaching staff

Teaching staff




Mukushev Abzal

Doctor of PhD

Нead of the department


Sadvokassova Kulyash

Doctor of Economics



Dyussenbayev Nurlan


Associate Professor


Alpysbaeva Ainur


Associate Professor


Tashtanova Nurilya


Senior Lecturer


Kassymova Sanimkul


Senior Lecturer


Reidolda Saulegul


Senior Lecturer


Zhumazhanova Maral


Senior Lecturer


Tasanova Gulvira


Senior Lecturer


Alenova Bibigul


Senior Lecturer


Issaev Nurymbet


Senior Lecturer


Mombekova Gauhar


Senior Lecturer


Bolsynbek Mukhammed




Auyesbekova Assylzhan




Kabiyeva Assem

Doctor of PhD

Associate Professor


Iskakova Mahabbat


Senior Lecturer


Khassenova Kamshat


Senior Lecturer

Scientific activity

Деятельность кафедры "Финансы и учёт"; подтверждает стремление и способность к интеграции в мировое образовательное и научное пространство, как важнейший фактор конкурентоспособности вуза и реализуется через планы научно-исследовательской работы.

Business games, trainings, discussions, round tables, conferences with the participation of leading scientists, specialists, as well as the participation of students in subject Olympiads in economic disciplines, in student scientific conferences at the international, national and university levels are held periodically.

As part of the scientific direction of the department, teaching staff systematically publish scientific articles in foreign rating and domestic publications and take part in international scientific conferences. In 2021, the teachers of the department published 3 articles in international scientific publications Scopus, 5 articles in journals included in the bibliographic database of the RSCI, 6 publications in journals recommended by the KKSON of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and 10 articles and abstracts published in the framework of domestic and foreign international conferences. 

Student life

Общественная и культурная жизнь обучающихся кафедры «Финансы и учёт» ведется согласно утвержденному в начале учебного года плану. Организация воспитательной деятельности опирается на нормативно-правовые акты республиканского, городского и вузовского уровней, основной целью которой является реализация Концепции воспитательной работы в КазУТБ, создание условий для становления профессионально и социально компетентной личности студента, способного к творчеству, обладающего научным мировоззрением, высокой культурой и гражданской ответственностью.

Филиалы кафедры «Финансы и учёт».

С целью поддержания тесного сотрудничества кафедры с производством на кафедре «Финансы и учёт» функционирует филиалы кафедры на базе ТОО «АК Центр аудита и оценки» и АО «Банк ЦентрКредит», имеются специализированные кабинеты «Банковское дело» и «1С Бухгалтерия», где предусмотрено проведение практических занятий со обучающимися кафедры «Финансы и учёт.

International activity of the department.

Для обучающихся кафедры «Финансы и учёт» ежегодно проводятся чтение лекций профессорами ведущих зарубежных вузов-партнеров, таких как: Омский региональный институт (Российская Федерация, г.Омск), Университет агробизнеса и развития регионов (Болгария), Кыргызский экономический университет им. М. Рыскулбекова (Кыргызстан, г. Бишкек), Университет Эскишехир Османгази (Eskisehir Osmangazi University) (Турция, г. Эскишехир), Алтайский государственный университет (Российская Федерация, г.Барнаул)

Academic mobility

Students majoring in Finance were trained in academic mobility in the autumn semester of the 2020-2021 academic year at Almaty Technological University.