Home / Новости / Круглый стол «Сәкен-сыршыл ақын», организованный в рамках празднования 130-летия со дня рождения Сакена Сейфуллина


Круглый стол «Сәкен-сыршыл ақын», организованный в рамках празднования 130-летия со дня рождения Сакена Сейфуллина

On October 18, 2024, at the Kazakh University of Technology and Business named after K. Kulazhanov, a round table “Saken-syrshyl akyn” was held, organized by the head of the department of “Social and humanitarian disciplines” and teachers of the discipline “Kazakh language”.

The event was dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the birth of Saken Seifullin. It was attended by 1st year students, management and university teachers.

The purpose of the event: exchange of views on the works of the outstanding poet of Kazakh literature, public figure Saken Seifullin, expressive reading of the author’s works, promotion of his artistic works to a wide range of readers.