On February 24, 2025, the 1st stage of the subject Olympiad among students under the educational program 6B07525 - "Standardization and Certification" (by industry) was held at the Department of Technology and Standardization. 20 students took part.
The Olympiad consisted of two rounds:
Team presentation, motto and presentation defense (40 points)
1st round:
Basic subjects testing (30 points)
Round 2:
Problem solving (30 points)
According to the results of the verification of the participants' work, the winners were determined by the members of the commission.:
I place – the "Standard of Quality" team:Kamila Embergen (SaC -221), Karina Khusainova (SaC -242), Darina Seksenbayeva (SaC -242), Adela Sagynbai (SaC -212). Supervisor: Aubakirova A.K.
II place – "Perfect match" team: Diana Sagimbayeva (SaC -211), Dosymzhan Aigerim (SaC -211), Burlibayeva Takhmina (SaC -222), Moldabaev Almat (SaC -221). The scientific supervisor is A.Zh. Hastaeva.
III place - Svekhtochny team: Ibraev Artem (SaC-232), Samarkhan Dilnaz (SaC -232), Rakhimbekova Sabina (SaC -232), Musabaev Olzhas (SaC -232). The scientific supervisor is S.S. Baytasova.
III place - the GOST team: Amangeldi Yerasyl (SaC -211), Nurgali Nurdaulet (SaC -231), Orynbasarova Assel (SaC -231), Erezhep Moldir (SaC -231). Scientific supervisor Baitukenova S.B.
III place – the Etalon team :Sharipova Ayanat (SaC -211), Sadikov Alisher (SaC -231), Nysanbayev Bakdaulet (SaC -231), Talgatbek Dairkhan (SaC -231). Scientific supervisor: G.I. Turekhanova.