On February 27, 2025, the 1st stage of the subject Olympiad among students in the educational program 6B05112 – " Biotechnology "was held at the Department of Technology and standardization. 12 students took part in the Olympiad.
The Olympiad consisted of four stages:
testing in the main subjects (20 points).
solving situational problems (30 points).
competition of captains (20 points).
laboratory work (30 points).
According to the results of the jury's evaluation, the winners were determined:
I place-team" BioElite":
Kabdyrash Nurbol Kanatovich (BT-221)
Isbulatova Nazira Samatovna (BT-231)
Bakenova Tamiris (BT-241)
Scientific Supervisors: candidate of Historical Sciences, assistant professor Agedilova Mereke Tuyakovna, candidate of Biological Sciences, assistant professor Botbaeva Zhanar Turlybekovna
II place-team" molecule":
Aruzhan dildabayeva (BT-231)
Bisembay Saida Renatovna (BT-232)
Nesipbek Altynai Yerslanovna (BT-242)
Scientific supervisor: Master, Assistant Narmandakh Zhupargul Narmandakhovna
III place-team" bacteria":
Kalymbek Arman Darkhanovich (BT-222)
Kantaeva Aigerim (BT-232)
Bikbaeva Malika Talgatovna (BT-242)
Scientific supervisor: candidate of Biological Sciences, assistant professor Tykezhanova Gulmira Mengalievna
III place-team "GEN":
Tuleubekova Nuray Nurzhanovna (BT-221)
Tolesh Aybin Askhatuly (BT-231)
Zholdasova Ayaulym Rakhimzhanovna (BT-241)
Scientific supervisor: candidate of Biological Sciences, assistant professor Serikova Shynar
Special nominations:
"The best captain" - Tuleubekova Nurai Nurzhanovna (BT-221)
"Active participant" - Isbulatova Nazira Samatovna (BT – 231)
"Active participant" - Bisembay Saida Renatovna (BT-232)
Congratulations! 🌿