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Открытый урок: основы аудита и практический опыт работы

On November 29, 2024, at 12:00, 1st year undergraduate student of the Department of Finance and Accounting Rysbai Kanysh Zhalgasbekuly held an open lesson in the RDGB-223 group for 3rd year students of the OP "Restaurant business and Hotel business" on the topic: "Conceptual foundations of auditing". The graduate student is also a senior specialist in the audit company "Grant Thornton Kazakhstan" LLP

The main purpose of the open lesson was to provide third-year students with the basics of the theory of auditing, to acquaint them with its principles, stages and importance in economic activity. The objectives of the lesson were as follows:

1) Conducting pedagogical practice for a graduate student.

2) Familiarization of students with the objectives and principles of the audit.

3) Development of students' skills in applying theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems.

In the lecture part, the undergraduate used multimedia materials (slides with diagrams, diagrams and graphs), which contributed to a better perception of the material and provided visibility.   During the pedagogical practice, the undergraduate introduced the basics of auditing. He gave examples of financial statements analysis, and shared his experience working in an audit company, where he has been working for 3 years.

The open lesson was held at a high level and received positive feedback from both students and teachers who attended the event.