From February 17 to 21, the Olympiad of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines was organized at the Kazakh University of Technology and Business named after K.Kulaganov. The intra-university Olympiad in "Kazakh language", "Russian language", "English language", "History of Kazakhstan", "Physical Education" was held among first-year students.
The Olympiad "Kazakh language", "Russian language", "English language", "History of Kazakhstan" was held in 2 stages, and in "Physical training" competitions were held in skiing, table tennis, chess, and the game "togyz kumalak".
Students who demonstrated their knowledge and won the Olympiad were awarded special diploma by the Vice-Rector for Educational and Social Work Sayat Berdigaliuly, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Service Kanat Seyitkamaluly, and Head of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Sciences Kanagat Tursynbekovna.