Regulations on the intra-university competition "The BEST BARTENDER", dedicated to the International Bartender's Day
1. General provisions
The present Regulations on the "BEST BARTENDER" competition (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) define the goals and objectives of the Competition, the place and timing of its holding, the composition of the participants in the competition, the requirements for the design of the materials of the participants in the Competition, and the procedure for selecting the winners of the Competition.
2. Goals and objectives:
- attracting students to an active social life, the life of the Department of Tourism and Service;
- informing the general public about the existence of a professional holiday
- promotion of restaurant services, practical involvement of students in the professional activities of bartenders, strengthening the corporate spirit of employees.
- exchange of experience among students;
- promotion of modern forms and methods of work in the consumer market, increasing the prestige of bartending.
3. Dates and participants of the competition:
- The contest will be held on February 06, 2025, beginning at 14.00.
- venue: Rixos President Astana
- participants of the competition: students of OP 11126 – "Restaurant business and hotel business";
- by composition: team participation;
The contestant must have the professional knowledge and skills necessary to prepare classic and original cocktails, as well as master the art of bottle juggling.
4. Requirements for the competitive work
The competition consists of three rounds:
- "Flaring" (you need to prepare your own signature cocktail using a classic performance technique)
- "Nomad" cocktail in the national style (it is necessary to prepare a cocktail based on national ingredients)
- Blitz survey on bar business
- An impromptu show program
Moderator: Akhmetova G.B., Mukanova B.Sh., Kanatova S.K., Tazhen A.N.
The contestant must bring with him, the contestants can use their dishes (glasses) to prepare and serve their cocktails.
The category of the author's cocktail is any. The author's cocktail should be presentable, original, tasty and fragrant. The author's cocktail must be new and invented by the contestant himself. It is not allowed to use well-known recipes for well-known cocktails. The participant can use any cocktail preparation method. Only natural products (fruits, berries, herbs, nuts, flowers, confectionery, etc.)
can be used for decoration. Any bottles can be used to perform the show program. The contestant's appearance is casual, wearing a T–shirt with a logo.
The performance of the participants is evaluated by the jury. The jury evaluates the flaring, the technique of the performance, the observance of the recipe, the presentation and the overall impression of the performance, the consistency of the cocktail with the name, the appearance of the drink, aroma and taste.
The organizer provides: presentation shots;
Old-fashion glasses;
- highball glasses;
- martini glasses;
- a glass of wine;
- wine glasses.
5. Evaluation criteria
Originality: 1-5 points
Cocktail name and presentation: 1-5 points
Taste and aroma: 1-5 points
Appearance: 1-5 points
- Energy, the participant's ability to hold the audience's attention, and the overall impression of the performance. It is recommended to speak confidently and with a smile. Make eye contact with the audience;
- Creativity of the name, matching the cocktail to the name. It is recommended to come up with a sonorous, beautiful and maximally appropriate cocktail name.
- The balance, taste and aftertaste of the cocktail. It is recommended to come up with and work out a cocktail that causes delight and admiration. The cocktail should have a pleasant, logical and moderate flavor intensity.
- Decoration, selection of beautiful suitable cocktail tableware and aesthetic cocktail decoration.
6. The Jury
To evaluate the works, a competition jury is formed, whose task is to determine the winners.
The jury determines the winners based on the results of the rounds.
The jury of the Competition consists of:
- Head of the Department of Tourism and Service, A.A. Zhunusova;
- Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Service, K.S. Mustafaev.
7. Copyright
The participant (collective of participants) who submitted this work to the competition is responsible for the observance of the copyrights of the work participating in the competition.
The authors of the works grant the organizers of the contest the right to non-commercial use of any competitive works without prior notification to the authors. The public demonstration of the works submitted for the competition is carried out with the obligatory mention of the author's name.
Participation in the competition means acceptance of the terms of the competition.
8. Summing up the results
The winners are determined by the number of points scored.
The award ceremony will take place after the competition on February 6, after the competition. The first-place entry will be posted on the university's website.