Faculty of Economics and Service

Faculty Management

Mustafayev Kanat Seitkamalovich

Dean of the faculty. Candidate of Economic Sciences. Associate Professor




Muratova Elmira Muratovna

Deputy Dean for Educational and Methodological Work





Ауесбекова Асылжан Армиевна

Deputy Dean for Educational and Social Work





Zhanbyrbay Moldir Nurmukhanbetovna






About the faculty

The mission of the faculty:

Development through creation.

Faculty Vision:

To become the leading academic and research faculty of the region, able not only to give, but also to create knowledge, to teach students to think independently.

The purpose of the faculty:

Training of in-demand, competitive specialists through the development of critical, analytical, research and business skills necessary for both practical and research activities in students.

The Faculty of Economics was established in 2003, and in 2021 it was renamed the Faculty of Economics and Service.

The high quality of education received at the Faculty of Economics and Service is provided by qualified teaching staff. Special attention in the preparation of students is paid to the practice, which can be held at various enterprises, economic institutions and public authorities.

The Faculty of Economics and Service is very popular among applicants, as the modern market system needs qualified specialists: financial analysts, economists, managers, managers of tourism, restaurant business and hotel business.

Studying in KazUTB at the Faculty of Economics and Service has a number of advantages:

  • students can use an excellent material and technical base;
  • in the construction of the educational process, teachers actively use various information technologies that increase the effectiveness of training;
  • high-quality methodological support is one of the main components of the educational process;
  • students have the opportunity to combine their studies with research activities;
  • individual approach to each student.

As part of academic mobility, students can practice abroad, in countries such as Turkey, Latvia, Poland.

The Faculty of Economics and Service annually graduates qualified financiers, economists, and managers. Here you can not only learn forecasting, planning, justification of investment projects, organization of management accounting and complex financial analysis, construction of hotel business and restaurant business and tourism, but also get invaluable practical experience that will help you achieve high results in your career.

The Faculty of Economics and Service trains bachelors and masters, who can subsequently find employment in local, regional and republican government and public authorities, private and state enterprises, international corporations, commercial banks, insurance and investment companies, educational institutions, consulting firms, restaurants, hotels, travel agencies, etc.

The Faculty of Economics and Service trains qualified specialists in the following areas of bachelor's and Master's degrees:

Bachelor course
  • Accounting and auditing;
  • Management;
  • State and local government;
  • Finance;
  • Economy;
  • Restaurant and hotel business;
  • Tourism;
  • IT technologies in the service sector;
  • International tourism.
  • Management;
  • State and local government.

Bachelor course

The faculty is improving approaches to theoretical and professional knowledge of students, taking into account the needs of the economy and the changing requirements and structure of education in a developing market.

Since 2017, according to the educational program "Restaurant business and hotel business", groups with English language of instruction have been opened. In order to consolidate the theoretical knowledge and skills acquired in the course of training, students of the faculty undergo professional practice at leading enterprises, organizations and banking institutions of the republic:

Учет и аудит
  • ТОО «АстықҚоймалары», 
  • ТОО «КинопаркКеруен», 
  • ТОО «Ануар-БР», 
  • ТОО «Дез Сервис МИГ», 
  • ТОО «MallManagementCompany», 
  • ТОО «Профи строй КЗ», 
  • ТОО «SouthMedia», 
  • ТОО «АқарысБекарыс», 
  • Филиал ТОО «Маслодел-Трейд»
Государственное и местное управление
  • АО «Компания по страхованию жизни "Государственная аннуитетная компания", 
  • ГУ «Управление занятости, труда и социальной защиты акимата г. Нур-Султан», 
  • ГУ «Управление архитектуры, градостроительства и земельных отношений города Нур-Султан», 
  • ГУ «Аппарат акима района Сарыарка» города Нур-Султан, 
  • Агентство по делам государственной службы и противодействию коррупции, 
  • ГУ «Аппарат акима города Нур-Султан», 
  • ГУ «Управление природопользования и защиты окружающей среды» Сарыаркинского района, 
  • ТОО «Хозяйственное управление Нур-Султана», 
  • Комитет по статистике МНЭ РК, 
  • РГУ «Управление государственных доходов по Алматинскому району департамента государственных доходов города Нур-Султан».
Экономика, Финансы
  • Представительство «MesstonEngineering» LTD в Казахстане, 
  • филиал ТОО «Грусамар Инженерия и Консалтинг С.Л.У. в городе Астана», 
  • РГП на ПХВ «Центр анализа и информации» при Министерстве информации и коммуникаций, 
  • Банк ЦентрКредит
РДГБ, Туризм, Международный туризм, ИТ технологии в сфере сервиса, Менеджмент
  • ТОО «Rixos President Astana», 
  • ТОО «ARKA ST», 
  • ТОО «Туристік Қамқор», 
  • ОЮЛ «Ассоциация Туроператоров РК», 
  • ТОО «Truckauto», 
  • ТОО «Турфирма «Саят»

The programs of industrial (pre-graduate) practice are developed on the basis of work programs of special disciplines of the educational program. The quality of the programs meets all the requirements of higher educational institutions.

The prospects for the development of the faculty provide for the creation and widespread introduction of information technologies in education, the introduction of electronic textbooks and teaching aids, virtual laboratory work, further creation of expert, consulting groups, expansion of innovative educational programs.

Many faculty members are involved in public life, are professional auditors, consultants of government, commercial and industrial structures. This allows them to use their rich experience to improve their teaching activities.

Scientific activity

The main objectives of the faculty's research activities are:

- participation in scientific projects;

- publication of scientific articles;

- participation in scientific conferences;

- publication of monographs, textbooks and teaching aids;

- advanced training of teaching staff of the department;

- involvement of students in scientific research;

- management of dissertation research for the academic degree of Master of Economics.

Research work is carried out according to the R&D plan. Faculty members of the faculty participate in various scientific conferences and publish articles, make presentations.

The Department "Economics, Accounting and Audit" is working on the initiative topic of the department, registered in JSC "National Center for State Scientific and Technical Expertise" - "Modern Economy: current issues, innovations and development technologies".

An important area of scientific activity of the faculty is the research work of students.

Student circles work at the departments, individual projects are implemented.

The result of students' scientific work is participation in conferences, competitions, grants and exhibitions, preparation of scientific reports and articles.

The research work of students (R&D) is a mandatory organically integral part of the training of specialists at the university and is among the main tasks solved on the basis of the unity of educational and scientific processes. Research of students and undergraduates is carried out both within the curriculum and outside of academic work: within the framework of the work of scientific circles coordinated by the heads of scientific circles, as well as those responsible for research and international relations at the department.

International activities

International cooperation is one of the priorities of the faculty. Students of our faculty have the opportunity to study at one of the foreign partner universities, improve English, additionally study one of the world languages, participate in international scientific conferences and symposiums.

During the current academic year, 6 contracts were signed with foreign partners: Eskisehir Osmangazi University (Turkey, Eskisehir), Antalya Bilim University (Turkey, Antalya), Baltic International Academy (Latvia, Riga), Altai State University (Russia, Barnaul); Amur State University (Russia, Blagoveshchensk), Osh Technological University named after academician M. Adyshev (Kyrgyzstan, Osh); 7 contracts with Kazakhstani partners: Kokshetau State University named after Sh. Ualikhanov (Kokshetau); Toraigyrov University (Pavlodar); Innovative Eurasian University (Pavlodar); Kazakhstan University of Innovative and Telecommunication Systems (Uralsk), Kazakh-American Free University (Ust-Kamenogorsk), Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz (Karaganda).

In the future, it is planned to develop an international double degree program for students and undergraduates together with Antalya Bilim University, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Baltic International Academy and Altai State University.

In the 2018-2019 academic year, as part of the implementation of budget funds (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 11.04.2018), the following students were trained in academic mobility at the University of Turiba (Latvia):

- Zhiliba M.M. – 2nd year student of the educational program «Restaurant business and hotel business» (September-December 2018)

- Kadyrova A.K. – 2nd year student of the educational program «Tourism» (September-December 2018).

As part of the internal academic mobility for the 2020-2021 academic year, students of 2-3 courses in the educational programs "Restaurant business and hotel business", "Tourism", "Management", "State and local government" were sent to study remotely., «Accounting and Auditing » and «Finance » to Almaty Technological University, Karaganda Technical University and Innovative Eurasian University (Pavlodar).

In the summer period from the 2020-2021 academic year, it is planned to conduct an international internship for students of the 2-3 courses of the educational programs "Tourism", "International Tourism", "Restaurant business and hotel business" within the framework of the TELP practical training program jointly with Antalya Bilim University and Rixos Hotels.

In the 2020-2021 academic year, foreign teachers from the Institute of Transport and Communications (Germany), Varna Technical University (Bulgaria), Humanitas Higher School (Poland), Penza State University (Russia), Tomsk Polytechnic University (Russia) were invited to give lectures in an online format as part of academic mobility of teaching staff and exchange of experience. Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology (Uzbekistan), Osh Technological University (Kyrgyzstan), Kyrgyz Economic University named after Ryskulbekova (Kyrgyzstan).

Dual training system

The dual training system (Duales Studium) implies obtaining practical and theoretical knowledge at the same time. The theoretical part of the training takes place at the university, and the practical part takes place at the enterprise.

To date, the departments of the faculty are carrying out a number of activities to strengthen ties with such well-known employers in the field of economics, management in the market of tourist, hotel and restaurant, financial services, as: JSC "Akmolaturist", hotel and restaurant complex Rixos President Astana, Tourist Fund "Turistik Kamkor", LLP;SAYAT-TRAVEL», «Production Innovation Company ASTANA Utaria ltd», Bank CenterCredit.Teaching staff conduct weekly practical classes on the basis of enterprises with the participation of professional workers.

In September 2018, a branch of the Department of "Management and Tourism" was opened on the basis of the travel company "Sayat". The general director of the travel agency, PhD Inna Yurievna Ray was accepted to the department to teach special disciplines in the specialty "Tourism". Thanks to Inna Rey, students gain invaluable practical experience in the modern tourism business. As part of the dual training, Inna Yurievna conducts booking and reservation courses in the world systems of automated programs Amadeus, Fidelio, Sabre.

On January 12, 2018, a branch of the department was opened on the basis of Rixos President Hotel Astana.

The opening of branches of departments is an important form of cooperation between the university and enterprises. Such cooperation contributes to the joint educational, methodological, organizational, methodological and research work on the training of qualified specialists.

Professional development

In recent years, more than 100 faculty members have completed advanced training at the Almaty Technological University, as well as in many colleges, research centers in various sections and areas of study.

Within the framework of a trilateral agreement with the Soft Center LLP, an online training of the teaching staff of the department on the 1C-enterprise software product was conducted.

At the faculty at the Department of History of Kazakhstan and Socio-humanitarian Disciplines, there is a School for improving pedagogical skills for young teachers;(compiler of the Ph.D. program, ass.prof. Balkunova N.P.).

SPM helps novice teachers to improve their knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of higher school pedagogy, didactics, psychology, in the study of new methods and innovative teaching technologies, contributes to the development of the creative potential of the teacher's personality. The theoretical course of the School of Pedagogical Excellence consists of the following modules:organization and methodology of teaching in higher educational institutions; socio-psychological foundations of pedagogical activity.

Language courses

These courses are taught by senior English teachers of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines Bekzhanova G. Zh. (Pre-intermediate level). In their classes, teachers use an innovative approach, a communicative methodology. The main task of the communicative method of teaching foreign languages is to help the student get rid of the language barrier.