*K.Kulazhanov Kazakh University of Technology and Business enrolls students for the 1st year in the following educational programs: 6B02101 Graphic Design, 6B02102, 6B02103 Fashion Design, 6B02104 Architectural Design, 6B04103 Accounting and Auditing, 6B04105 Management, 6B04107 State and Local Government, 6B04108 Finance, 6B04110 Economics, 6B05112 Biotechnology, 6B05213 Ecology, 6B06114 Information Systems, 6B06115 IT Management, 6B07116 Automation and Control, 6B07117 Chemical Technology of Organic substances, 6B07219 Technological machines and equipment, 6B07231 Mining: physico-chemical geotechnology, 6B07218 Mining: open and underground mining of mineral deposits, 6B07220 Technology of food products (by industry), 6B07222 Oil and gas business: development and operation of oil and gas fields, 6B07223 Technology of processing industries (by industry), 6B07224 Technology and design of light industry products, 6B07525 Standardization and certification (by industry), 6B11126 Catering and Hospitality, 6B11127 Tourism, 6B11128 IT – technologies in the field of service, 6B11129 International tourism, 6B11230 Life safety and environmental protection. There is a two-degree education system and a master's degree program. The university has a college with 13 specialties in the field of technology and business. A new dormitory building is provided for nonresidents. Phone numbers: +7(7172) 57 88 15, +7 708 425 06 60, +7 701 602 53 53
Training in KazUTB
Virtual admissions office
Dear applicants, for your convenience, KazUTB University has created a virtual admissions committee with open access through the ZOOM online platform.
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Bachelor's degree
The Kazakh University of Technology and Business (KazUTB) is a specialized higher education institution focused on training specialists of a new formation.
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Master's degree
The educational programs of the KazUTB Master's degree are implemented in two directions.
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Events and Announcements
Current news and events of the University



Кафедра «Технология и стандартизация"от всей души поздравляет профессора Тыкежанову Гульмиру Менгалиевну с награждением Почетным дипломом "Отличник науки" от Министерства науки и высшего образования Республики Казахстан!


The victory of our team

The team of the club of the Department of Tourism and Service Kazutbtravelclub took the second place in The VII International Olympiad on technology and tactics of active types of tourism. The purpose of the Olympiad is to involve young people in the field of tourism activities and the development of professional competencies of students.


Открытое занятие Алпысбаевой Айнур Кунанбаевны

26 ноября 2024 года к.э.н., ассоциированный профессор кафедры «Финансы и учет» Алпысбаева Айнур Кунанбаевна провела открытое занятие по дисциплине «Финансы» на тему: «Финансовый рынок» для обучающихся второго курса, группы УиА 232, ФН 232, ЭК 232, ГМУ 232, УиА 242 (со), факультета «Экономика и сервис».


Участие Алпысбаевой Айнур Кунанбаены на форум «IV Школа Ректоров «Новые университеты в эру AI:HR vs AI»», где принимали участие Министр науки и высшего образования РК Нурбек Саясат и другие.

28-30 ноября 2024 года проходил форум «IV Школа Ректоров «Новые университеты в эру AI:HR vs AI»», где принимали участие Министр науки и высшего образования РК Нурбек Саясат, члены правительства и ректора и проректора вузов РК, а также представители Вузов и зарубежные гости и практики.


Career guidance work of teachers

On November 29, 2024, a meeting was held at Kayym Mukhamedkhanov Gymnasium No. 90 as part of career guidance work, which was attended by graduating classes, universities and colleges of Astana. Teachers of the Department of Tourism and Service Kurmankulova N.Zh. and Tazhen A.N. familiarized the participants with the educational programs of the department, such as «Tourism», "Restaurant business and hotel business", "International tourism", "Sports tourism and excursion and recreational activities".


Meeting with representatives of the University of Kuala Lumpur

On December 4, 2024, the Department of Tourism and Service held a meeting with representatives of the University of Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia.


Открытый урок: основы аудита и практический опыт работы

On November 29, 2024, at 12:00, 1st year undergraduate student of the Department of Finance and Accounting Rysbai Kanysh Zhalgasbekuly held an open lesson in the RDGB-223 group for 3rd year students of the OP "Restaurant business and Hotel business" on the topic: "Conceptual foundations of auditing". The graduate student is also a senior specialist in the audit company "Grant Thornton Kazakhstan" LLP


An OPEN LESSON on the discipline "Tax accounting" for students of the UiA-221 group

On November 20, 2024 at 10.00 PhD, Professor of the Department of Finance and Accounting Yusupov Ulagat Bolatovich held an open lesson in the UiA-221 group for 3rd year students of the Accounting and Auditing Department on the topic: "Accounting for special tax regimes and the procedure for filling out a tax return (f.910.00)".


Meeting with colleagues from Japan

On November 26, 2024, a meeting was held with representatives of Kitasato University (Japan): Kеizo Arihara – Professor, President of the Japanese Society of Science and Technology in the field of Food Technology; Issei Yokoyama – Assistant Professor.


Visit of delegations from China, India, Azerbaijan

In November 2024, meetings with delegation from the largest higher educational institutions of foreign countries were organized: Huanggang Polytechnic Institute (China); O.P.Jindal Global University (India); Azerbaijan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Baku).


International internship of teachers in China

As part of the Silk Road program, the teaching staff of our university is undergoing internships at two leading higher educational institutions in Chongqing, as well as at large industrial enterprises in China.


International academic mobility of students

3 students have been sent to study in foreign countries under the academic mobility program in the autumn semester of the 2024-2025 academic year.

Science in KazUTB
The Department of Science and Innovation.
The department is responsible for creating an environment that encourages research and innovation, as well as for providing support and resources to faculty and students engaged in research
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Conference proceedings
Collections of materials from scientific and practical conferences.
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Bulletin of KazUTB
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Казахский университет технологии и бизнеса осуществляет набор студентов на 1 курс по следующим специальностям